Chapter 4

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As the door opened she saw a girl around her age with light brown hair and ocean blue eyes sitting near the fireplace, when Rose entered the room she caught the girl's attention.

" Who are you?" She asked suspiciously as she frowned

" Hi, I am a Rose Norman, a fifth-year transfer from Ilvermorny " Rose introduced herself with a kind smile

"Ohh, I am Ava Elrod. The same year as you. Tomorrow we both can hang out with my friends if you want." Ava smiled 

Rose nodded and started to walk toward the girl's dormitory but stopped when Ava called her 

" How do you know where was the girl's dormitory?" She asked, genuinely curious

" We had the same like these back in Ilvermorny." Rose lied smoothly and Ava took it

"Ohh, well you will be sharing your dormitory with me and Augusta Jones and Olivia Weasley, they are my friends." Ava informed her 

" Ohh, Thank you and Good Night" Rose thanked her 

 Luckily Rose carried her Mokeskin pouch so she could have everything which she had back in her timeline, after changing her clothes, she slept peacefully 

After her breakfast, she reached her first-class 'History of Magic' in the morning. As she was always before time, she assumed no one would be there but was disappointed to see a boy with black hair deeply engrossed in his book. 

She sat on a different row but parallelled to the bench. This was the first time the boy noticed someone else's presence. 

Rose noticed it was Tom Riddle and sent him a small smile as a greeting but Tom didn't return one.

Tom was astonished to see someone else before the class timings otherwise people here are so indolent that most of them are late as he thought

He had a feeling that this girl was different from the others, but he didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad one.

He tried to use Legilimency to look inside her mind but it alarmed Rose and she used Occlumency to make a shield.

Rose understood that Tom was the only person in the room so he tried to use Legilimency on her but she ignored it.

Tom widened his eyes due to the shock, no other student ever could defend his Legilimency, not even the 7th year students.

 How could this girl do such an extraordinary and complex level of magic! Is she hiding something?  Tom thought

After a few seconds, Professor Binns (very much alive) entered the class and instead as he was used to seeing Tom but today he saw another girl.

Must be the transfer student from Ilvermorny, Rose Norman Binns thought

" Good Morning Professor Binns. I have heard a lot of amazing things about you" Rose greeted and complemented the teacher

Even though she also thought that Binns was a boring teacher like Harry and Ron but she maintained her perfect student personality 

" Good Morning Miss Norman and Mr Riddle" he greeted

Tom greeted him back with a polite nod and many students started to enter the class. 

Ava sat with Rose and Tom sat alone as no one liked his dark presence, not even his so-called friends.


I have decided that I will post new chapters on Sundays, if we are not at the same timezone it might be Mondays or Saturdays for you. This one is a bit shorter than the usual, sorry.

If you want to give me some ideas to me feel free to do so, I love new people and their ideas. Plus it will take some time for Tom and Rose to become friends, He is practically Voldermort!😁

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