Our heads glanced at the ladies when Keith clapped happily and Teia gestured her to shut up.

"What are you girls talking about?" Lyubov asked and Teia immediately rolled her eyes, glaring at Keith. Keith then acted serious and looked at us, "None of your business. This is girl's talk, Yula." Keith then made a shooing gesture, irritated at the intrusion.

I chuckled when Lyubov looked as if he was about to cry. I can't believe this man never changed. He's still that dorky ass I met years before.

Accidentally, her eyes met mine, and for a second I wanted to pull her in my arms and never let her go. But I know, it's just wishful thinking on my part. I can never betray my friend.

"Where's Ambrose anyway? I didn't see you both yesterday?" Keith asked and I was suddenly curious who this Ambrose is.

"She's in Italy. She has a case to handle there for a while. I was with her yesterday and just returned this morning." Lyubov answered before taking a sip on his wine.

"Who's Ambrose?" I asked and Keith looked at me. Teia's face avoided my gaze when I glanced at her. My eyebrows furrowed at her reaction.

"She's Yula's wife. They just got married a few weeks ago." I looked at my friend in disbelief. If he's married, then why is he--?

I looked at Teia who refused to make eye contact with me. I masked my rising irritation and confusion and faced Yula instead. "Lyubov, you're already married? You cheat, you didn't invite me?" I feigned shock, trying to reign in my rising emotion.

"Oh, please man, just call me Yula. That name's too off for me. And yes, I got married already. Sorry for not informing you man, something happened before, and I was unable to contact you anymore." He looked apologetic and glanced shortly at Teia. She just ignored him, however I noticed the emotion that danced in her eyes when he mentioned the last sentence.

I only nodded my head, taking a sip from my wine. Damn it, I need a harder drink with all this information.

She actually went with a man who already had a wife.

I can't help but let the fire rage within me all throughout the event. I wanted answers from her. As much as I respect her relationship with my friend, it was still wrong.

"Are you sure, you'll be okay? I can postpone my flight, Arra." The event was nearing its end when Yula got a call from his wife's assistant, telling him she was rushed to the hospital. Right now, he was talking to her, while Keith was busy on the phone with her husband. I just can't help but listen to their conversation when he wanted to leave already.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me, Yula. You should catch a flight now to Italy, she needs you right now." She smiled at him, encouraging him to leave now and let her be. Yula looked really worried and is ready to rush to the exit just to catch the earliest flight to Italy.

"How will you go home? I don't want you to take a cab home, Arra." Yula was now panicking when his phone rang again. He stole a look at it before facing Teia again.

"I'll take her home." I couldn't help myself when I noticed the panic in his eyes. They both looked at me at the same time, Teia had a worried expression on her face, while Yula sighed in relief. He must really love his wife so much, that he's willing to leave Teia behind.

"Thanks man, I'm sorry to trouble you, but I really have to go. It's an emergency."

I only nodded my head, "No worries, man. Besides, Keith is also going with me. Razel said he couldn't make it in time."

He thanked me again, tapping my back. He then kissed the girls on the cheek before rushing out. After the event, I sent Keith first to their house before speeding on the road towards my condo building.

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