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I sighed as I was led by the security to the red carpet where the media was lined up taking pictures and documenting the event that was taking place. After smiling in front of the flashing cameras and answering a few questions by the media, I made my way inside the venue.

Wearing a wine-colored backless gown that flowed from my lower waist down and my hair styled in a messy updo, I made my way to the display hall where the artworks of the children are located, greeting and thanking guests for coming today along the way. I admit the dress was a huge contrast to the all-white decoration of the venue and it's a little too bright for my liking,

Turns out, I was again right about my brother following his wife like a dog. That idiot couldn't stay away from his wife and went with her to Italy three days ago. Though, he did keep his promise to his wife by flying back here tomorrow morning, so we'll be attending the event together in the evening.

I took a glass of champagne that was served to the guests. Taking a sip of the cool liquid, I strolled the place, looking at the different artworks of the kids displayed for the guests to see. Their artworks are of various types, some children loved to paint, while others took photography, some even sketched or draw. A photo of a little girl about nine years old wearing pink leotard and tights caught my attention. The photo was in black and white, and the girl was in a croisé devant pose. Her head is facing the camera and she has this cute little smile on her face.


I immediately recognized the girl as one of the few girls that I taught ballet before in the orphanage. She was a shy little kid and was even afraid to try stretching with the other kids. I smiled as I remembered her shocked face when I asked her to dance with me before. I missed this kid, maybe I'd clear my schedule this Tuesday so I can visit them.

I smiled at the thought and scanned the rest of the displayed works, smiling to myself when I recognized the names of the few children that is displayed under the photo of their art.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, Adra." I paused at the nickname. Only one person called me that name. I looked to my right and saw my cousin, Razel.

"Oh my! You're here!" I gasped and hugged my cousin, careful of the drinks we were both holding. This idiot was MIA for a year ever since he got married to Dad's goddaughter. We never heard anything from him, only that they were travelling and booked a European tour for a year.

"You fucker, you could've called." I can't help but hugged him tighter than expected. He chuckled and let go of me. We talked for a while, he mostly shared the travel escapades that they did in Europe. All the sceneries that they saw and the places they visited. I was actually surprised to hear that Keith, his wife, was now pregnant. I mean, I wasn't completely surprised, knowing this man, he must be banging his wife all day all night. The both of them can't keep it in for so long, we knew because they almost had their wedding night on the lounge area at their reception. Only when the parents of both the bride and groom separated them, did the reception continued.

"Wait, Keith's here?" I asked and looked around when he mentioned that his wife was here with her godbrother. I immediately spotted them walking towards us, his wife laughing at something that the man beside her said.

What I was not expecting was the man she is with.

He looked great in a white tux, with a black dress shirt underneath and a white tie. He looked the same, the only difference was his hair became shorter and his physique slightly grew bigger. I silently gasped when they neared Razel and I.

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