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(Im back lmao sorry)

Felix went to the room as beez and luci left. Hyunjin paced around the living trying to figure out what he could do. 'Ok all the 7 main stream demons have moons. Mine just so happens to be a blood eclipse.' (Totally not happening right now)

'Now i could either try and get him out of felix and send him to hell....orrr risk killing lix...' hyunjin sighs. 'I dont trust myself...'

'Awwww poor little hwang doesnt wanna hurt his sweet innocent human boyfriend~' hyunjin turned around to see felix smirking at him.

'Well guess what hwang~ its a little to late for that hm?~' controlling felixs body, he moved felixs arms out showing his arms filled with cuts blood streaming down and getting everywhere.

'Cmon Hwang~ you know you want to~' 'no...' he made felix grab his own arm and squeeze so more blood would come out.

'You cant resist it Hwang~ you know you want it~' he got closer to hyunjin. '....Take it~' hyunjin forced himself to not hurt felix since he knew it wasent him at the time.

He picked up felix rushing to the bathroom to clean his cuts and bandage them. 'GODDAMNIT STOP HURTING HIM!'

'But seeing you all soft and weak for him is everything~ i wish i was able to destroy every second of your happiness.'

'So i hurt you by hurting him. Easy.' '.....what do i have to do......for you to leave him alone.' 'Ouu deals with the devil hm~'

'I want you dead Hwang' 'without felix getting hurt! Physically or emotionally or mentally.' 'Once im summoned he'll die regardless. Summon me he dies then i kill you then you can be together cause he's going to hell for fucking a demon. God doesn't necessarily approve of that.'

'The day u get summoned is they day you can kill me.'

Hyunjin flashed the room making whoever was controlling felix go away (i dont have a name yet so bare with me) hyunjin kissed felix making all his scars go away and waking him up.

"Thats gonna happen a lot isnt it...." Hyunjin wrapped his arms around the boy as he teared up. 'Im sorry felix........but i love you too much for you to get hurt. I know hes lying to me...you wont die when he gets summoned so you'll be safe.... The only thing i will continue to do is keep those boys away from you......'

Hyunjin gave him this little bottle of something and as ling as he wore it hed be ok. And the boys wouldn't go near him.

'Felix. I love you..and i wish i were human so i could forever be with you.' 'But now...i cant even be with you as a demon......im sorry felix...but us....is done......' hyunjin said as he got up crying grabbed his book and left felixs house.

"What!? HYUNJIN! WHAT!? WAIT NO YOU CAMT JUST LEAVE! HYUNJIN!!!" Felix sobbed. He felt a sudden release of energy leave his body as whoever possessed him left him.

"...hes gone......hes really gone...." Felix sat in the corner of his room and cried. He shattered his phone cause he threw it out of frustration and sadness.

Felix didnt leave his house for weeks. He didnt eat or sleep he just sat in the corner of his room and never got up unless to use the restroom he couldn't sleep at all.

"I dont know who you were....but whoever possessed me should've just killed me." Felix said weakly. All of a sudden felix heard his front door open. Out of fear he hid under his bed.

"Felix!!!??" "Lixxx!!!!!" "Felix! Where are you!!!" "Are you ok!? Hellooooo??"

"Felix!" He recognized the voice. He crawled out from under his bed. "FELIX!" Minho ran over and hugged him.

".......why are you here?" Felix asked "what do you mean why am i here!? Why havent you been at school!?"

"....no motive......no result......no reaction......nothing.....no self love.....no will to live.......fucked up emotionally.....all sad thoughts.....only deadly thoughts....i wanna die......hey...minho.....have you ever wanted to die?"

Minho looked at him crazy "...i-i have died...." ".....right..."



Lucifer looked at beelzebub.

'Are you serious!?' 'Yes! Yes i am!' 'Fine. Id choose my brother over you any day.' Luci said and left.

Back with felix and minho

"Hes gone....all because of vanity........he left me......all because of that BITCH ASS DEMON!!!" Felix started screaming.

Minho grabbed him holding him down because he started scratching his arms making them bleed. "FELIX!" "FELIX STOP!"

"WHY DID HE LEAVE ME!" "WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WH-" 'because he loves you.' Felix looked up. "L-luci-?"

'Hi felix.' "Why r u here" luci sighed. He hugged felix making all of his scars go away. 'If he didnt leave you. The bitch that possessed you would have killed you.'

'And he loved you too much to let you die'

"Ur telling me......its vanitys fault...." 'DONT SAY HIS NAME FELIX!' "Fuck..v a n i t y."  "I'll fuck him up."

Low and behold he popped up. 'You'll fuck who up weakling.' Felix turned and glared at him. "Give him back." 'Hes already with someone new lix~' 'he didnt love you! He was just tired of all of your drama. He hated you.'


'Ouuu little boy you better be happy i cant hurt you.' 'But i can sure as hell hurt your little boy toy~'

All of a sudden it got dark. Like hella dark. They all thought is was either another demon or hyunjin. But when the lights came back on everyone was shocked to see felix but...as a demon.

'So you wanna keep playin huh?' '...the heavens retreat from the help you seek forbidden negotiation you risk everything two choices all you have to do is just pick sacrifice your life with the abyss.'

Felix said the chant making vanity finally be summoned.

Vanity had a shocked look on his face. Felix pinned him to the wall. 'You WILL NOT! Take him from me! Or i WILL TAKE! EVERYTHING! From you.!' 

Vanity chuckled. He went to push felix off of him but he couldn't move him at all. 'So whos weak now hm!?'

Luci was in shock. Hyunjin get over here now. He said.

Hyunjin showed up and was stared in awe. 'Felix!?'

Felix turned his head tightening his grip on vanity. 'I got whats mine. And im taking what you think is yours.' Felix without struggle or hesitation killed vanity.

Luci and hyunjin were in even more shock. 'How the-what the' they both said. Felix collapsed minho catching him.

Minho looked at hyunjin. "Jinnie?..." hyunjin walked over and kissed felix. 'Wake up love...' felix slowly started waking up.


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