The Beginning

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You may think this book is just an ordinary fan fiction but you're wrong...

It was early Saturday morning and Fiona had just woken up "hey Deb's, is Franny up?" "Yeah" "okay" Fiona ran to Franny and Debbie's room. "Hey Kiddo!! What would you like for breakfast?" "Hmmm, pancakes?" "With Smiley faces?" "Yeah!!!" "Okay kid" Fiona ran downstairs and took out the pancake mix, Ian opened the door "hey Fi, sorry I didn't come home last night I was hanging out with Mickey and Mandy" "that's alright, you want pancakes? I'm making some for Franny" "sure I'll have one" "okay, by the way have you seen Lip?" "Yeah he got arrested last night, I think it was for assult, you should go to the station after breakfast" "Jesus not again, I'll go after breakfast then" "I don't know how he keeps getting his self caught I mean he's the smart one" "haha I thought so too" "Franny pancakes are done!" "Okay" Franny ran downstairs "thanks aunt Fiona" "anytime kid" "Fi it's 9 o'clock" "it is?" "Yeah" *sigh* Fiona has bipolar like her mother and she also has severe anxiety(her brother Ian has bipolar as well)  Fiona opened the cabinet and took out her med bottle, she popped one in her mouth and drank some water. Okay time to eat. She smiled at Franny. They all sat down and ate pancakes. "Carl,Ian,Debbie,Liam" "Yeah" they all said "we have to go get Lip from the station anyone wanna come?" Carl said "I'll come Fi" "okay I have to get Gabe" (Gabe is their baby brother) Fiona went upstairs and grabbed Gabe "Okay now where's your stroller" she said to herself  "oh right it's downstairs" she went downstairs and put Gabe in his stroller "come on Carl" "I'm coming" they went outside and walked to the L, once they got to the L they went on and sat down "so what did Lip do this time Fiona?" "Uh I'm not sure I think Ian said assult" "yeah sounds like Lip" 'it really does" after about 20 minutes passed it was their stop "okay it's our stop" they got off and walked to the station which was only about 5 minutes down the block. "I'm here for Lip Gallagher" "okay he's not being charged with anything since it was self defense he's just down the hall I'll show you to him" "okay thanks" the woman led them to Lip "hey Fi" Fiona gave lip a hug "you fucking idiot" she started hitting him "okay okay stop" "haha let's go"

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