Chapter fifteen

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I woke up in the morning and last night flooded my memory. Amy had died. I went to get up but an arm was slung over me. I looked over to see Daryl still asleep. He had stayed with me all last night. After we got to my tent I changed my clothes and layed on my bed. Daryl took my bloody clothes. I had no idea what he did with them. He returned and held me while I cried. He also woke me up every time I started having nightmares and held me until I fell back asleep. He must have been tired. I doubted he slept at all.

I tried to slip out from under his arm when he tensed and gripped me pulling me into him. "Where ye goin?" He mumbled. "Nowhere. Just have to pee." He grunted and let me go. I kissed his forehead and went to Dale's rv. As i stepped out i saw Jim was digging on the hill again. I guess Shane tied him up yesterday to calm him down. He said he'd had a dream and needed to dig the holes but couldn't remember why. Carol and Sophia were sitting at the table with Carl and Lori, Harley was sitting at their feet panting. They all looked in a daze. Carol's eyes were red and puffy. She had probably cried all night. I understood she loved Ed, but he was abusive and touchy with Sophia. If anyone deserved to die it'd be him. I looked down. Amy and Andrea were still there. I felt sick.

I ran to the side of the rv pulling my hair back I puked. Lori was there in a second rubbing my back and holding my hair. "Go get Jaxx a bottle of water." I heard her order. A moment later Carl ran up with water "here Jaxx." I thanked him. He walked back to the table and sat. I hugged Lori "thank you Lori." She nodded and walked to Carl. I headed up to Jim. "You don't look so good Jim." He laughed "I don't feel so good." That's when I noticed blood on his shirt "Jim. Were you bitten?" He looked scared "please don't tell anyone. They'll kill me." I lifted his shirt seeing a huge bite on his stomach "oh Jim. Why didnt you say anything?" He shook his head and began digging again "I wanted to help as much as I could before I..." I hugged him. Then started helping him dig until the others got up. "They won't kill you Jim. I won't let them."

I gathered Rick, Shane, Glenn, Dale, TDog, Daryl, and Merle. "We have another problem." They all looked at me intently. Dale spoke first "what's the problem Jaxx?" I sighed and looked down "Jim was bitten last night in the attack. He wanted to help as much as he could before he left." Daryl and Merle were pissed "he couldn't tell us last night? What if he woulda turned while everyone was sleepin? He coulda killed more people."Merle yelled. Rick shushed him "you're scaring the kids Merle." Merle got pissed but said nothing more. "What are we gonna do with em?" Daryl asked eyeing Jim sitting near the rv. "We are not going to kill him if that's what you're getting at" Dale said looking around the circle, eyes pleading. "We gotta do something." Shane said. I couldn't listen anymore. I walked toward Jim, ignoring everything else they were saying.

I walked up to Jim and put a hand on his shoulder "they're discussing what to do. Dale's on your side. Obviously Merle and Daryl aren't. I don't know what Shane is thinking." He looked scared. All of a sudden he stood and backed away. I turned to see Daryl rushing toward him with his knife in hand. "No Daryl." I put my hand on his chest. "Its murder. You want to murder someone? In front of kids?" He stopped and looked at me then over at Carl and Sophia, eyed Jim, and took off. "See. They wanna kill me." Jim sat with a huff. I walked up "Jim I said I won't let them."

Jim was being kept in the rv. Jaq was taking care of him. I was sitting in the back of my jeep with Harley, watching everyone. Andrea was still over Amy when all of a sudden Amy started moving. "Oh god." I stood up and started slowly heading toward them. Amy sat up trying to bite Andrea when Andrea shot her. I dropped to my knees again. I looked around. Shane, Glenn, Daryl, and TDog were moving all the walkers to burn them and burying our dead in the graves Jim had dug. Glenn seemed to be yelling at them but I was too far away to hear.

Rick walked over "we're leaving today for the CDC. As soon as everyone is packed and ready." He helped me up and led me to my tent "maybe you should pack up your stuff and get ready." I nodded. He smiled at me then walked away. Harley trotted up to me "you hungry boy?" I asked. I walked up to my jeep and got a bowl and dog food out. "Here you go. Good boy." He scarfed down his food and jumped into the back of the jeep. I looked over at my tent "I guess I better pack up."

I started to pack the contents of my tent into my jeep. Daryl walked over "ye need help?" He asked. I sighed "no. I need something to do anyway." He walked away. I got my tent packed and into my jeep. If I left now I wouldn't have to see anyone else die. I eyed my jeep then looked at the group. I could probably slip away and no one would notice. Everyone was busy packing and cleaning up. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and turned to my jeep "Don't even think bout it Jaxx." Merle was leaning against my jeep. "Yer stuck with us. Me and Daryl will follow ye and bring ye back." I leaned with him "I can't do it anymore Merle. I'm tired of losing people." He crossed his arms "we all lose people. Ye can't run away every time somethin bad happens. Trust me I know." He walked away, sure i would stay. I got into the middle seat of my jeep and layed down hoping we'd all leave soon.

I was still contemplating leaving. I was listening to the sound the group talking, crying, packing, and then rick popped up by my feet "we're leaving. You ready?" I sat up "yeah. Anyone need to ride with me?" He did his signature hands on his looking down thing "not of you don't want anyone to." I got out of the jeep and closed the door "not really. I kinda wanna be alone right now. If that's okay." He nodded "that's fine. I understand you need some space. We have enough cars. Its no problem." He walked to carols car an everyone climbed into their vehicles. I got in mine trying to be the last in line to leave. I was hoping to eventually slip away. Merle made sure he was right behind me. "Damn rednecks."

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