Chapter two

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"So what's yer favorite color?"

"Black. What's yours?"

"Red. Got any brothers or sisters?"

"No. I was an only child. You have any siblings?"

"Yeah. I got a baby brother. Daryl. He's prolly gettin pissed off if he knows 'm still out here. Prolly fightin the ones that left me."

Merle chuckled. "Well I think the herd is thinning out." I stated looking over the ledge. "It only took them a good hour and a half." Merle stood grabbing my hunting knife. "Ready princess?" I readied my crossbow and picked up my pack. "I was born ready. Let's get you back so I can leave." We made our way through the building only seeing two walkers. Merle took them down easily, kicking one down while stabbing the other in the eye then stomping the first. "Could have left one for me." I whispered. Merle turned and waved me forward.

We got to the entrance and I unlocked the chain I'd put on the doors. "Smart idea princess." Merle stated. I put the chain in my pack. "Merle, you'll learn that I'm full of smart ideas." We ran outside hiding behind cars and making our way to my jeep. We had to take down a few walkers but no others noticed. Rounding the corner to the alley I pulled my keys out and quickly unlocked the doors. When I looked back Merle wasn't rounding the corner. I ran to the building and peeked around. Merle was fighting off three walkers and more were coming.

I ran to my jeep and opened a door, "Harley, come." My dog jumped out of the jeep wagging his tail. I raised my hand and he sat ears perked. "Distract" I said pointing in Merle's direction. My mutt sprang into action. He circled the walkers herding them up, dodging and yipping to get their attention. I started toward Merle and the two walkers he had left. He killed one and I killed the other. We started running to the jeep. I whistled and my dog ran toward the jeep too. We all hopped in and I reved the engine peeling out of the alley hitting a few walkers.

"Smart dog ye got there princess. What's his name?" Merle asked patting Harley's head. "Harley." He nodded. "Like Harley Davidson?" I smiled. "That's the one. So how do I get to this camp of yours?" I asked. He looked at my speedometer. "Just follow this main road fer about a half hour, then ye take a right and follow that till ye see a diner. Ye take a left go fer about twenty minutes..." I interrupted him. "You want to drive? It may be easier." He chuckled "sure princess I'll drive."

As soon as we got to a safe enough area Merle got out and rounded the jeep to drive. I just scooted over to the passenger side. I pulled out and mp3 player and plugged it into the radio turning it on. "Well shit ye got any Rolling Stones or Metallica?" I smiled "Of course I do Merle. What kind of question is that?" I put my mp3 on shuffle and drummed along to the music and Merle sang quietly. It had been awhile since I'd been around living people. I had forgotten how nice it was to have someone to listen to.

I fell asleep after a little bit. I must have slept the whole way because when I woke up we were parked at camp, people were standing around Merle, Harley was being petted by two little kids an loving it. I smiled, knowing he was in heaven. I was low enough in the jeep that no one had noticed me. I'd wondered if Merle had mentioned me yet. As I was staring a guy with short light brown looked over at me. He was still looking at me when he whispered something to Merle. Merle put his finger quickly up to his lips in a hush motion. The guy looked at Merle with a questioning look but didn't look at the jeep again.

After a bit Merle walked to the jeep opening the door I was leaning against. "I didn't mention ye yet. You can leave anytime princess but I think you should stay, at least for a few days." I sat for a moment contemplating my choices. "Alright I'll stay. How do we approach the group with me?" Merle laughed. "Just walk up with me and I'll introduce you."

I exited the jeep and started walking toward a small group of guys. They noticed me and instantly one raised his gun at my head. "Who he hell are you?" He questioned. I glared at him. "Answer the question." Another guy stepped toward the guy pointing the gun. "Shane lower your gun. She's just a teenage girl." I spoke up, "I'm actually 24." Shane stepped toward me. "Not helping. Okay." I backed up a step putting my hands up. "Shane you lower that gun right now. You can't be pointing a gun at every person that shows up." An older man walked over and put his hand on Shane's gun lowering it for him. "My name is Dale. Nice to meet you." I smiled taking his hand "Jaxx." He put an arm around my shoulder "come meet the group." He led me toward the middle of camp. As I walked Merle passed me patted my back "That's my baby brother Daryl ." He pointed toward the guy with light brown hair. "You guys don't look alike." He chuckled "I know. I got the looks and brains. I don't know what he got."

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