Even Nindy had mastered two silver-tier spells—the water-elemental warrior summon and the mine cannonball.

Apart from their hard work, they had also been eating Rainbow Phoenix Chicken eggs daily and received training techniques from Nightingale.

The guards in the castle did not need any silver-tier equipment. Instead, they desired gold-tier equipment so that they could use it when they broke through to that level one day.

As for the people that Zeke had brought with him, Watson had told them the truth. He kept some of the information to himself. The standard of his Blackmoon Knights had hit the maximum level. It would not be easy for the guards to advance to gold-tier in a short amount of time. Therefore, he cared about quality.

He did not intend to say those words out loud. He should have maintained the dignity of a leader in front of his subordinates. He had to show that he did not care about those people and make them nervous to earn their loyalty.

Sure enough, Lucas and the caravan guards were nervous when they heard what Watson had said. If they had not seen Blackmoon Castle’s strength and Watson’s godly skill of fusing gold-tier weapons, they might have left in a fit of anger.


They wanted to be stronger and to have the standard to say that silver-tier equipment was trash. They wanted to be like Allen, who single-handedly wiped out an entire bandit gang, and they wanted to hold their head high in front of their companions.

“Young Master Watson, even though our strength is quite average currently, we can train very hard. I may only be a bronze-tier warrior now, but I am confident that I can keep up with everyone’s pace in Blackmoon Castle.” Lucas paused for a moment. He did not ask Watson to let him stay. However, the other guards nodded and said the same thing.

“Captain Lucas is right. We’ll work hard; hard work is the best talent.”

“Give us a few years, and we can become stronger! If we can’t, we can do chores that don’t require much strength. After all, we can’t go back to Monte Town anymore.”

Zeke thought that it was enough. He said, “Watson, these people have protected us. If it weren’t for them, we might not even be alive to meet with Allen.”

Zenoah also said, “Yes, Watson. Why don’t we keep them?”

“Alright. For the sake of my two brothers, I will accept you—reluctantly.”

Watson gestured toward the guards in front of him. “From now on, you are members of Blackmoon Castle. I will have the maidservants draw up a contract for you later. You must follow our orders strictly and learn from your seniors. If you don’t perform well, then I will still kick you out. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Young Master Watson, we understand.”

Lucas and the others looked at each other and saw the joy in each other’s eyes. The clever ones took the opportunity to kneel on one knee toward Watson to declare their loyalty.


An hour had passed since they accepted Lucas and the other guards. Watson handed the distribution of the standard equipment and the other matters to Alan. Then, he brought his two brothers to the bathroom in the castle.

The reconstructed bathroom was even more spacious than before. The pool had warm vapor that rose out of it as Watson and his two brothers laid on the jade platform. They were shirtless as they enjoyed the massages that a maid in a towel had given them.

Watson saw his brothers’ reaction; he knew that they were aroused.

“Well, I guess there is a benefit to being young. At least I won’t have to deal with any arousal for now, and I won’t make a fool out of myself like this,” Watson muttered to himself. Then, he said softly, “Third Brother, Fourth Brother, you guys haven’t had a pleasant time in Monte Town these past two months, right? Did the people from the Mage Guild make things difficult for you?”

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