The Search

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A few days later all of the paladins were up and moving again. Matt had taken it upon himself to find the other teacher Keith used to associate with. He needed someone else to divert his anger onto. It wasn't fair to pin it all on Shiro.

He hadn't made too much progress. His sister, who he had asked first, had blocked most of her time spent at the Garrison out. He couldn't help but feel guilty, even after her reassurances. It was his fault she had blocked it out in the first place.

Lance hadn't remembered anything besides his "rivalry" with Keith. He hadn't known to watch for anything else, so he didn't. Matt couldn't blame him for that.

The last person to go was Hunk. Out of all the paladins who attended the Garrison, he was the most observant. He loved to notice the little things about people, which made him Matt's best source.

It took a little bit of searching to find him. It really shouldn't have, seeing that Hunk spends most of his time assisting the chefs in the kitchen, but he always tended to do things the difficult way.

He found him leaning against a counter, right by the kitchen entrance.

"They kick you out or something?" The sarcasm in Matt's voice was evident. Hunk was the only one of them who could cook.

"Nah, not quite. It was getting too hot in there for my liking. Stepped out for a break. You need something?" Hunk responded, with the tender ease that made him so easy to speak to.

"Yeah actually. It's about Keith."

"Is he okay? Did he disappear again?" Ah.

That was a new thing Keith did. It started the day Matt sat with him in his med room. A few hours later, someone had apparently gone by, looking to speak with Keith. He wasn't there, which made sense, as Matt had watched him leave. However, he was nowhere to be found. No one had seen him, always the elusive little shit. It wasn't until the sun had dropped below the horizon, did he finally turn up. That was not the last time it had happened.

"No, well I mean- I don't know, couldn't say for certain, but that's not what I came for," Matt hurried to finish his statement, knowing he had paused too long before speaking.

"Alright, then what else about Keith do we need to know? As the certified Keith-speaker around here, I'm here to answer to the best of my ability."

Matt couldn't help but let out a huff of amusement at Hunk's statement. It was true after all. Keith wasn't open about most things, but if he was going to be, it was with Hunk. Although he may have known Shiro the longest, he always gravitated toward Hunk for any issues that he didn't know if he could solve on his own. Despite being such polar opposites, Hunk knew him best in that area.

"Do you remember the other teacher Keith used to spend time with back at the Garrison?" Matt asked.

"Now that you mention it, yeah I do! The one with the glasses right?" Hunk gestured to his face.

Matt pointed excitedly at Hunk, "Yes, yes! Him! Do you happen to remember his name?"

Hunk looked thoughtful for a moment, before letting out a sigh and shaking his head, "Sorry man. I got nothing. Although, Shiro would've been his colleague! He might remember his name!"

Matt lit up for a moment, before darkening again. He didn't really feel like having a conversation with Shiro. He was still angry. He didn't want to do something he regretted.

"Woah, what's with the sudden change? You okay?" Hunk looked at him quizzically.

Matt shook his head before responding, "Yeah, all good! Thanks for your help Hunk."

"Anytime!" He answered with a smile.

Matt left the dining area in a fog. He knew that he had to figure this out. For Keith. But could he hold a conversation with Shiro? He didn't know.

He wrung his hands out as he walked, watching them with an intense gaze as they turned white from the pressure. He paid no mind to his surroundings, and learned the consequences the moment he turned the corner.

He slammed face-first into someone's chest, instinctively tightening his neck and stumbling backwards.

"Matt! Sorry about that, you okay?" Fuck.

"Uh yeah. That was my fault. Sorry Shiro." He spoke sheepishly, yet there was some unmentioned anger bubbling below the surface of his words.

Shiro stared back at him, puzzled. Matt hated every second of it. He felt as if he was reading him, head to toe. He wished he would just say something-

"Uhm. Well. I've got to be on my way!" Shiro said, filling the awkward silence.

Matt braced himself, before stepping out of his comfort zone, "Shiro, wait. Please. It's about Keith."

He stopped walking at that, directing his full attention to Matt. Matt hated that, watching him pretend to care as if he hadn't ignored his existence for an entire week while he was out cold.

"About Keith? Is he okay?

"He's fine, but I've gotta know. There was a teacher he seemed pretty close with back at the Garrison, that wasn't you," Matt watched Shiro's expression shift, but continued on, "Do you remember his name? It's just- I'm worried about Keith, and I think another familiar face would lift his spirits some, y'know?"

Shiro smiled sadly, as if he was reminiscing, "You're thinking of Adam, right?"

"Yes! Yes! That's him! God, this is great, do you know where he might be?" Matt spoke excitedly, with little meaning. If Adam was going to help Keith, then Matt was going to find him.

"Matt," Shiro's voice was not as it should have been. He was not excited.

Don't say what I think you're going to. Don't.

"Adam died before we returned to Earth. Keith didn't find out until he woke up a few days ago."

Matt's heart shattered. Before he knew it, he was running. Sprinting away from Shiro, away from the pristine Garrison hallways.

                                                     He knew where Keith had been going.

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