Chapter Seventeen

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I rolled my eyes and turned towards Ethan, who sounded like Zenitsu at the moment.

"You've been voulenteered for teaching!"

His grin was so wide it looked as if he had slit his face open.

You little-

"You'll be teaching the class the Sunday after next Sunday." My teacher declared. "With Gabe."

Ethan happily skipped out of class, like little Red Riding hood on her way to her grandmother's house.

"You two, plan the lesson. I expect you work together, zoom, call, text, whatever. Plan the one hour lesson. I'll be here for moral support."


"Okay." Gabe shrugged. "We can do that, right, Ariadne?"

"Mm-hm. Now, excuse me, I have to sing a solo for my mom. See you later."

I briskly strode out of the classroom, trying to make it to the singing room on time.


"AriaDne fInaLly!" Mom positioned me behind the microphone. "Good, good, now we start."

Ethan, I will pulp you alive, you ducking bastard, you little sh-

Mom pointed at me.

I started my solo, but I'd already started sweating in anger. My voice cracked seven times, and I couldn't hold the note at the end. My mother grimaced, along with the adults in the crowd watching us practice, who looked down in shame.

At the end, I had to get to my other singing group.

My Mom caught me.

"Why on earth could you not sing well?"

"Mom, I have to get to Sister Abbott's group."

I pushed past the doors.

Ethan, go #### yourself. You little shit, you don't understand a thing, do you, oh so lucky. You damn-

I cursed him out pretty well in my head, that's all you need to know.

My mom tried to talk to me on our drive home.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" She turned, expecting an answer as she pulled up in front of the house.

"Because. Ethan. Took his shitty ass. And voulenteered me for teaching."

"ARIADNE DO NOT speak that way!! EVER!!"


I stormed upstairs and took a shower so I could be depressed without anybody hearing./


I shot up from my uneasy sleep.

Shyanna... Shyanna... Where's Brandon?

Wait what?

I blinked a few times before standing up, brushing caked dirt off my ragged black skirt.

How old was I now?

Ah, yes. Fourteen.

I count every single day.

"Happy Birthday to me..." I muttered, kicking at the pebbles. "Happy Birthday to me... How did I even survive this loooooooong.... Happy Birthday to meeee whereisfreakypyrokid.....!"

I'm starving. Living off water.

I've started hallucinating, and on the verge of suicide.

Suicide is never the answer! All the teachers say.

Hmmm, I think it most likely is now.

My guitar still played, but all the strings were beginning to become loose constantly, forcing me to tune it by ear.

My eyes half open, and my hair cut jagged and uneven, I most likely looked like one of those white-dress girls emerging from a closet in a horror movie.

Before I smelled--


Saliva trickled down my chin.

If I get beat to death trying to get the food, I was going to die anyway.

Like a stray animal, I followed my nose and found the source- chicken legs grilling over an open fire.


How on earth they are there, I don't know.
Am I hallucinating? Maybe.

Three thin, unseasoned chicken legs.

I ran up to the fire, and grabbed all three off the dirty grill, burning my fingertips.


Girl's voice.

Not Shyanna's.

I turned and sprinted in the direction opposite the voice, taking the food with me.


The person gave chase, but I couldn't tell they weren't experienced runners.

"ARE YOU *hah, hah* KIDDING *huff* ME?!!"

Another voice joined her.


Oh, so that's were freaky pyro kid is. Unfortunately, I'm not in the mood to chat.

I tore across the barren landscape.

The footsteps halted behind me.

"SERIOUSLY??!!" The girl groaned loudly and stomped her foot, activating the clouds above us, which suddenly turned gray and started dumping buckets.

She groaned again, but the rain only seemed to be around her, nowhere else. Thankfully, I was out of her circle of storm.

That's definitely freaky Pyro kid's girlfriend.

I stopped and scrambled up a tree, which was missing most of it's limbs, so I could eat and watch Pyro and Hydro.

You see, I do not eat quietly. Or good naturedly. Do not blame me.

You go live off puddles for a month and see how nice you eat.

I clutched the bone part of two legs and ripped the meat off the other, tearing it to shreds in seconds and sucking the bone clean.

That's how it went, with miraculously no choking and very little air.

It felt good to eat.

Then, I propped myself up on a branch and spied on the elements.

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