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Liked by redbullracing, landonorris and 7,842 others
luciaquinn Media day for @maxverstappen1 means meetings all day for me 🤠

And yes I made Max take these :)

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"Have fun in your meetings Cia, I have media rounds to complete" Max stood up and then kissed my cheek from behind and then ran to his PR manager who was at the door. Mary smiled my way once Max was gone "Stop it!" I said "Hey! You two would be cute" She gave me an evil smile "Don't even go there" I got up as it was time for my meeting "Yeah yeah, give it time Lucia!" She said as I walked away "Whatever" I turned to face her and walked backwards.


Sitting in my engineering meeting with my headphones on so everyone could hear me, we all analysed the data in front of us on our laptops. "Lucia how are we looking this weekend?" Christian asked "Looking good, Max doesn't have anything to report negatively wise from last race which is good, but depending on how hot it's going to be tomorrow in FP2, we might need to fiddle with the tyre strategies." I replied "Ok good I'm sure we'll be able to handle that, and when it's being done can you over see it please. I also need you to work with the strategy team again as we all know your'er good at that too" Christian winked, I nodded and he then moved onto the mechanics.

Walking out the meeting room with my laptop under my arm, Max was standing leaning against the wall "Hey Lucia" He walked next to me and then took my laptop from me and carried it as we walked "You ready to go?" He asked "Yep" I replied and he then left the Red Bull motor home and down the paddock

👤 f1insider

👤 f1insider

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