Crimson Blood on White Floors

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Andromeda Claire Holloway

Theodore and I walked out of the coffee shop, heading towards the bookstore downtown which I suspected was the one that I had placed a bid on. One of the employees had come by our table to comment on what a cute couple we were and I cringed at the memory that had only occurred a few moments ago. He had smiled and put on the "prince" façade with a polite tone. I had just stared at the person, trying not to vomit. I got reunited with the person I was supposed to get engaged to 4 years ago.

I picked at my fingernails, conflicted feelings running through me. Theodore was a nice guy but I couldn't quite imagine myself with someone like him, much less marrying him. I wouldn't want to go back to whatever fictional world we came from and be expected to follow through with it. Reunite with someone an hour ago and find out he proposed to you? Not realistic at all.

He glanced at me and I looked back at him. I wanted to yell out, "See, no fairytale sparks!?! We couldn't possibly be meant for each other!" but I just shuffled my feet. Scuffed Converse on the pavement, I couldn't imagine myself once walking the halls of the royal palace.

"You're coming back to Riseria, aren't you Andromeda?" Theodore asked, a memory coming back that the name of the kingdom was that. He was king of it now, his mother dead and his father was-

I stumbled, remembering the sight of crimson blood dripping onto white marble floors, "We killed him, didn't we? I killed him."

"Are you ready to do this?" Theodore asked, his face pale and gaunt, tired. We had been traveling for days on horseback for days knowing that it was all coming down to this moment. I squeezed his hand reassuringly, leaving my bow and arrow and instead, grabbing the hilt of the dagger I kept.

"It'll be quick and easy, a simple stab in the heart and then it'll all be over. Callahan Laurier doesn't deserve to live after what he did. He killed my mother for god sake." I monotoned to myself internally as we snuck through the halls of the castle, sticking to the shadows.

Our footsteps echoed through the empty corridors, a kind of ominous feeling adding to the high tension surrounding the two of us. We came to the throne room door and paused, hand and hand, united in fear and a sense of dumb courage. Theodore took a deep breath and then pushed the heavy door open.

His father was gazing out of the window to the left of the throne. I swallowed the bile rising in my throat, I was betraying the king of the kingdom I had vowed to save. He was the enemy though and nothing could change that. Callahan had poisoned his own wife and brutally stabbed my mother, his fingerprints were on the kitchen knife he had used.

Theodore let go of my hand, walking towards the king, a stone-cold expression on his face as he drew his sword. I kept silent, I was only supposed to join him when things started getting bloody.

My breath caught in my throat as I watched Theodore swiftly put his sword in front of the king's throat, tiny teardrops of blood spilling out when he pressed the sword's edge harder.

"Hello, Father." he spat the words out like vile poison.

Callahan flinched, raising his hands in mock surrender, "You're no son of mine." Theodore slashed the sword across his neck and I watched Callahan's body fall to the floor, warmth already seeping out. I stepped forward and Theodore didn't stop me. It was clear, he wanted me to strike the final blow.

My dagger poised over his heart I scornfully asked the king, "Any last words, your highness?"

"It was never me." I plunged my weapons downwards, sending blood spurting. The crimson substance was spilling from his mouth like red wine. I twisted my dagger and then pulled it out of his chest. The marble floors were now stained with his blood and I gazed as it seeped through his white shirt.

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