Chapter eight- Rude much..?

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(I'm back again finally. Sorry I can't do consistent updates. I just don't have inspiration sometimes. I'm gonna try and get more chapters out but it may take a while I'm so sorry!)

~Y/N's POV~
After me and Anne were done with lunch she had me go downstairs to get bubba.

As I walked down the steps to his work place I could feel my legs shaking. A pit of nerves and fear in my stomach as I walked down the stairs. I could hear his meat cleaver hitting the table angrily as he chopped up the latest victims which made my stomach turn even more.

But when I got to the end of the stairs the sound stopped, replaced by silence. The sound of his breath being able to be heard. His shoulders heaving up and down in anger still.

I slowly made my way up to him, but with each step I felt more like I was about to die. As my hand reached out to touch his shoulder he swung his head to me, looking straight into my eyes as he stands towering over me. My eyes shut quickly at the fast movement but slowly open when nothing happens. Looking at him again he was just standing there, his huge meat cleaver frozen in place as we stare at each other. It takes a few minutes for either of us to move, him being first to move and set the huge knife down and cleans his hands off.

".... Foods ready.. b-but I guess you can tell huh..?"

No response from him. He simply picks me up and walks upstairs like I'm a sack of potatoes. No words leave either of us as he walks upstairs to the kitchen and sets me down with a thump onto the floor before he walks off.

".. rude much? I was nice enough to come get you for dinner asshole." As the words left my mouth I realized how badly I messed up, bubba walking back over with speed and grabbing my face as he grunts something I can't understand. He holds my face in his hands as if waiting for a response but not knowing what he even said is hard to respond to.

He lets go of my face after a while and storms off angry again up the stairs, Hoyt yelling at him to stop it from his place on the couch.

Rolling my eyes I get up and rub my cheeks and walk into the kitchen to eat with Anne.

(I'm sorry, this is really just a filler chapter I cannot think of what to write. If any of you would like to leave any chapter ideas to go of from here please feel free to! Again I am very sorry, I started school again and stuff like that. I will try to update more if I can)

 I will try to update more if I can)

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