Chapter four- Friend or foe..?

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(WARNING: Cussing, gore)

Y/n's POV-
As i looked around the dimly lit basement i finally decided to ask "A-Are you going to kill me..?". This sentence made him freeze and look at me. I get confused, 'Is he going to kill me.. or-'. My thoughts are interrupted by someone yelling "BUBBA!! Get yer ass up here!!", after this is said the man who i believe to now be named bubba sets me down on the table and walks upstairs. Leaving me alone. 

I take this time to really look around by wobbling around the room, as to not hurt my foot any more and making sure to not go too close to my families mangled bodies. As i look around i find a desk with needles, thread and scissors. I decide to be nosey and open the drawers, only to back away in horror as i see masks.. no.. faces in the drawer. I close the drawer and wobble to the table and hop on it as i hear footsteps rushing downstairs. Not just one set, but three. I get panicked so i stay still, trying not to seem scared when i hear a females voice say "You got yerself a pretty lil lady down here in yer workplace?! This ain't no place fer a girl bubba!" 

Bubba's POV-

After i hear hoyt call for me i walk upstairs where mama was, she looked at me as she tapped her foot and said "I heard you got a girl downstairs. Is this true?", i stare down at her then nod slowly as i grunt in a way of saying 'yes'. She looks at me then smiles. " Well can we meet er then boy?", i think for a few moments as i stand there then nod and start to walk downstairs with them. Mama behind me and hoyt behind her as we walk. I hear footsteps scurry around downstairs as we get closer. I enter the room first to see the girl sitting on the table. Mama then says as she sees her "You got yerself a pretty lil lady down here in yer workplace?! This ain't no place fer a girl bubba!". I nod as mama walks up to her "You only gave her a shirt? Boy.. Come on darlin, can't have ya walkin round in this now can we?". The girl nods nervously, her (e/c) eyes looking anywhere but mama. Mama then has her get up and takes the chains off then the two disappears upstairs, hoyt following them. Leaving me alone to my work. 

Y/n's POV- 

As i walked up the stairs with the woman i looked around, she seemed nice but i was still going to keep my guard up just in case. They are still strangers and i didn't know if i could trust them yet if at all. This gets me thinking 'Why didn't he kill me when he had the chance? Why did he help me.. he could have easily left me for dead in that field.. Why keep me alive?' Then i hear a voice ask me "What size is your clothes dear?" this makes me look at her and reply "Large ma'am". She nods and we walk into a room together, after a few moment of her searching she grabs a dress and hands it to me then walks out.

After i change i walk out and she looks at me and smiles then walks to the first floor with me as she talks about the man i know now as bubba, she then gasps and looks at me. "I never asked you your name! Silly me, what is yer name..? I'm anne, anne sawyer" i look over at anne "My names (y/n) miss sawyer". She smiles and starts to talk again after complementing me.

A few hours pass by before i see bubba emerge from the basement, blood on his clothes as he carried a bag. He looks at me the whole time anne talks to him, which makes me nervous. Anne soon snaps her fingers making bubba look at her "Are you listening boy?". He nods and sets the bag down then walks towards me, making me back away a little as he does. He stops right as my back hits the wall, his stare never leaving me even when anne yells at him to stop scaring me. He then reaches out and gently moves some of my hair from my face as he stares at me, making me blush ever so slightly. He then backs away and walks down to the basement. 

Then i start to think, what if they aren't that bad...

(A/n): Im sorry if the way anne talks is bad ^^' I tried

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