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My phone rang loudly waking me up out of my sleep

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

My phone rang loudly waking me up out of my sleep. I let out a groan as Malik huffed and turned over away from me, grabbing the pillow he covers his ears as I quickly slam my hands everywhere in sight in search for my phone.

When I finally get it I answer it. "What?" I ask rudely.

"Damn is that anyway to talk to ya momma?" My moms voice comes into the other side.

I snap my eyes open waking up fully. "Mom....my fault. I had just woke up." I glance over at Malik whose entire back is on display. His smooth melanin skin exposed from the covers while the sheets cover his waist and down. His strong forearms and back muscles showing as he has his face buried and hidden under the pillow.

I fight the urge to reach over and touch him as I climb out of bed pressing the phone closer to my ear. "I'm sorry to wake you it's just I miss you...I haven't heard from my daughter in almost a week. What's been up? You make any new friends? Do you have a boyfriend? Are you having sex?"

"Woah woah," I whisper into the phone followed by a laugh. I make my way into the bathroom closing the door behind me. "One question at a time."

"I'm just saying sweetie it seems like these days I have to turn on Wendy Williams or Shade room
just to see what's going on with you."

I scrunch my face up at that sentence. "Nothings been going on with me, I mean what is that supposed to mean?" I question.

"Oh my god," I can hear the regret in her tone. "I didn't mean it like that Kimia. They haven't been saying much about you these days thankfully."

Sometimes it's not what you say but HOW you say it. And my parents never really made me feel bad about being talked about online. They'd mostly reassure me that nothing anyone else said mattered. But it seems like lately everything they say has been mattering to them. And since I know my parents like the back of my hand I know what their true reason for calling me is. They're trying to make sure that I'm not making any mistakes that could make them look bad. Which only makes me feel worse about the situations I've fallen into since I got here.

"It was a mistake mom." I remind her.

"Right right," she agrees. "And I hope no more mistakes happen."

"Mom I'm not the first girl or young adult to make mistakes-"

"Yeah but you're Kimia David's. And our publicist says-"

I sigh loudly cutting her off. After a second she continues. "Are publicists says that if you plan on having a career or job in this industry you have to do something now that takes the attention away from what you did then."

"No offense mom but I don't care what the publicist says. Since when has she ever experienced what it's like to me? Or to be famous at all? I'm not taking advice from a woman who wakes up & thinks what would Kimia David's do to save Kimia David's future. She doesn't know a thing about me or what I want to be."

Forbidden Ties (Malik & Coco Spin-off)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα