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After I removed the condom and continued showering I couldn't help but think about what happened a hour or two ago

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After I removed the condom and continued showering I couldn't help but think about what happened a hour or two ago.

I got here sometime yesterday, luckily for me I didn't arrive with my parents and no attention was drawn to let the press know when exactly I'd be here so I had a smooth arrival. I met the president of the university and he asked Jada to give me a tour. She's pretty decent looking and was flirting heavily so within the first day of knowing her we fucked. She asked what I'd be doing today and I told her at around two pm I'd be either showering after working out or I'd still be working out. She came into the locker room and I'm guessing y'all know the rest.

I told Jada I didn't know the girl who came in but I knew all about her.

Kimia David's.

Didn't think I'd be seeing her so soon but I guess that was our first introduction. Me deep inside a girl I met the previous day, and Kimia standing their mortified. I found the situation funny at first. Till it dawned on me that she came inside the locker room to avoid the press. They could've followed her in, or seen, or caught all of us in there. The type of bad press and things that would be said if a photo like that got out or even a statement could've ended me. My pops would've went crazy, my mom would've scolded me, and it would've ruined my reputation already at campus. I realized in that moment I had to be more careful. This isn't my city. In my city I had girls I could fuck on that are regulars who wouldn't run their mouths. But here? Here these females are foreign to me, different, and one wrong rumor, one girl who runs her mouth too much even if it is the truth, and it'll be all in the public. And right now as far as my parents are concerned the only thing that the public should be talking about is how successful my college football career is going.

Anything other than that is bad for business. Or at least that's what my dad says.

When I get back to my dorm room I relax leaning back I place one hand in my sweatpants and the other holds my phone as I lay back against my bed. I scrolled through my messages before getting a FaceTime.

When I answer it Jenise face pops up on my screen. I stare down at it unfazed. "I wanted to say sorry....even though I'm not the one in the wrong I didn't want our lil argument to be the last words we said to eachother. You know with our history & all."

I try to hide the frown that forces it's way onto my face and instead just nod. "I feel that. Ain't no beef here, especially ain't no hard feelings. You said what you said & felt how you felt, we good love." I reply back smoothly.

"Oh," she says lowly her voice dropping a few octaves. "Well I wish you the best Malik."

"Yeah you too." Instead of waiting for her to hang up I did. And sat there in my thoughts.

At times I wondered if maybe I was wrong about Jenise. If I was wrong for how I did her, how I treated her, and how I didn't give her what she deserved. Like most women they felt they deserved love, affection, and attention. I gave the double A's but soon as love came into play I couldn't give that. But I put in where I lacked, by giving them sex. Which felt so good to them that they they felt loved in those moments of lust.

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