Watson the first one done, spoke first "I may have only just met the Luna today, but one thing's for damn sure: She can make a mean turkey sandwich."

I giggled and blushed, especially when there were murmurs of agreement from around the room. I turned back to my sandwich and took a few bites before I felt a familiar fullness. I sighed and pushed my plate away from me.

"All done?" Beck said. I nodded, and noticed a glaze over concern cover his eyes. "But you only ate half?"

"I'm full."

"Are you sure?" He pressed, silently pleading. "Can you have two more bites?" I shook my head. "Please?"

"I think I can do one more." I compromised, though my body protested slightly. Beck visibly brightened and he leaned over to press a kiss to my forehead.

"Then have one more baby." He murmured against my forehead, and rubbed my back. I ate my bite and snuggled into his side. I really wanted to climb in his lap but I knew now was hardly the time or the place. Beck however disagreed and lifted me to sit in his lap. As he did, we heard a snort of exasperated laughter come from the end of the table. I knew the culprit before I even turned to look.

"Something funny, Elder Theo?" Beck said, cocking his head to one side. Theo stared, his eyes cold and unfeeling.

"When will you come to your senses, Alpha?" he said, shaking his head. Everyone, confused, urged him to go on with their eyes. "Do you really think that this... this child is fit to be the Luna of this pack?" At his protest a chorus of growls sounded from my boys, the loudest coming from Beck. Take that Theo.

"That child happens to be my mate. And she's anything but. You tread on very thin ice Elder Theo. I suggest you think before you speak, especially in regards to my mate." Beck replied sternly. Despite his warning, Theo decided to keep talking.

"A Luna should be strong and firm, and proud. Alexia is anything but. She's fragile. She's weak. Anyone can see that, Beck, I think even you see it, you just refuse to believe it. Every time you are seen together, she's clinging on to you or wrapped around you like a vine. She needs to be coddled and babied. She cannot be on her own for extended periods of time due to her 'separation anxiety'. A Luna must uphold an entire pack. How can Alexia succeed in this when she can hardly stand up on her own?" He mused. The room had gone so quiet, literally a pin dropping could be heard. I felt unwelcome, angry tears fill my eyes and tried to get up off Beck's lap, but he was having none of that. Elder Theo was right.

I didn't like being alone, or away from Beck for very long. It was true he carried me a lot and I liked keeping contact between us as it made me feel calm. But I think I could still do a good job of leading the pack. I lowered my head in the hopes of hiding the tears that were threatening to spill over my cheeks. Beck broke the silence with a thundering snarl and a slam of his fist upon the conference table. I jumped at the sudden noise and tried to get up again. Beck held me closer to him and was glaring daggers at the smug old man across the table.

"Elder Theo, you have said enough. You have hurt and offended your Luna. You speak unkindly and without thought. You do not know half of what Luna Alexia has been through. We are all incredibly proud to have her as our Luna. She is stronger than you know. Yes she is attached to her mate- we all are. She has been through a lot and contact soothes her. You should apologize immediately. And if you cannot refrain from sharing your unwelcome opinions- I will ask you to leave and you will not be invited to return." Will said sharply and firmly. Theo's gaze flickered to Will, but quickly returned to Beck, who appeared to be viciously mind linking him.

"Very well. Please forgive me, Luna." He spat and rose quickly, striding purposefully through the door without a second look. A few tears had escaped and i attempted to brush them away. My cheeks burned in humiliation and I knew everyone's gaze had turned to us. I felt their looks of pity and turned my face into Beck's chest.

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