So sorry-Very Important Authors note

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Hey my lovelies! So I have some very important news! It appears that my wattpad account was hacked! Now I had the next 6 chapters of TAP outlined and started! Some were completed so I could do a mass update for you all to have to make up for my extended absence! I had been writing since my last authors note- but last week I had two deaths in my family so I was not online for quite sometime. I think this is when my account was hacked and unfortunately all my drafts were deleted! Not only that whoever it was added books to my library and started favoriting chapters. Well when I looked at what books they were I was given quite the shock- as they were very mature. Not at all what I personally enjoy reading. Everyone has their own preferences and should be able to read them. Not only was i upset that my account had been used in this way- but my followers also got to see what had been favorited which was rather embarrassing. If you follow me (which is only a few of you- the rest of you should I reccommend books similar to mine on there and I love you lots and we can hang out and chat and all that fun stuff) whatever you've seen on my account the past couple of days was not me. I mean some people like reading those things- but im not one of them! Evveryone has their own preferences and I respect that- but I dont appreciate my account being used. Im not sure how my account was hacked but the favvorites have been deleted, along with their posts on my page. I changed my password and upped my security settings as well. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and the confusion- hopefully this will nevver happen again! I will be trying to get TAP updated either tonight or tomorrow! Bear with me while I get back on track! 


xoxoxo alwayslovve486

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