Heartbreak Pain

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I don't know when it started, but lately it's getting harder and harder for me to talk to him, even looking at his perpetually calm expression, when I talk to him, something starts to boil inside me.

After defeating Nagumo-sempai, he caught the attention of the whole school, now no one had any doubts about how genius this student is.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, a student in Class 2-B.

He's my classmate and my first friend, if I were asked who I trusted the most in this school, he'd come to mind.

I realized that all this time he was teaching me, guiding me so that I could stand up to people like Sakayanagi, Ryuen, and Ichinose. I don't know his true intentions, but I'm grateful to him.

He was the one who helped me grow up and let go of my past image of "a sister who imitates her older brother," after my brother graduated I made it my goal to be someone he could rely on.

I knew I could never reach the heights that he did. He was beyond me. Sometimes I wondered, "Was he even human?" Even my brother, considered one of the best students in the history of this school, didn't want to become his enemy.

I wanted him to acknowledge me, to acknowledge my efforts, and to let me stand beside him.

But as time passed, a strange feeling began to form in my heart...

It tormented me every time I saw him with other girls...

Even though he was very unsociable. As time went on, more and more girls came around him.

Sakura, Ichinose, Shiina, Sato, and Karuizawa.

Karuizawa Kei, she was the leader of the girls in our class. She, like me, knew about him, about the darkness that lurked within him. But I always thought she knew more about him than I did. He told her more than he told me...

I was upset, I was angry with him, but more than that, I was angry with myself. After all, I couldn't be someone he could trust. I had been afraid to trust him from the beginning, thinking that if I did, that darkness inside him, those eyes, they would consume me.

So days and weeks and months went by... Finally, I began to realize how I felt about him...

At first, I admired him, admired his monstrous abilities and the way he coped with the trials along the way.

No matter how much I looked at him, I always had the feeling that he knew absolutely everything, that he was capable of absolutely everything.

But later, my feelings grew into something else entirely... And no, I didn't stop admiring him. I began to have an interest in him as a man. It was a love interest.

I fell in love with him. I fell in love with Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

I finally realized it.

I love him!

Every time I thought about him, looked at him, talked to him, my heart started beating faster. I loved spending time with him. He changed me.

But now we spend less and less time together. Even though it sounds like bragging, I had grown up enough to be able to fight back against the other classes and their leaders. And now he didn't have to be there for me all the time and help me.

True, that was only one reason.

The other reason was Karuizawa Kei.

Looking at her, I could see the way she looked at him, the way she looked at Ichinose, Sakura, Shiina, or Sato. The same way I did, the look of a girl in love.

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