"Are you alright?" Before he could respond, she had placed a hand on his forehead.

"Hmm…seems normal." Elena muttered as Harry stood up.

"Where are you going? There's still time till classes start." She said.

"A stroll…" Harry said before turning his head to the young woman that had undeniably wormed herself into his heart. Even in her current state, the look that gave away the fact that she had just woken up, she was stunning.

"Give me five minutes…I'm coming with you." Elena had a determined expression on her face.

"Oh? Getting protective are we?" He jested good naturedly.

"We wouldn't want the representative of Hogwarts to miss his step and tumbled down the Ravenclaw Tower now could we?" Elena bit back before heading back to the Girl's dorm to change though Harry did catch the not so subtle teasing smile she had sent him.

True to her word, the young woman reappeared five minutes later, dressed in her uniform with her hair smoothed out and was that lipstick and eyeliner? Harry did not dare prod his companion on quickly she was done but merely accept it as one of those things about woman that he would never comprehend.

Not much was said between them as Harry's legs led them to wherever they were heading but Elena's companionship had a calming effect as they stopped at the Astronomy Tower. The fresh, cold air did wonders to his throbbing head as Harry breathed and exhaled deeply. The snow was always so beautiful and mystical to him, even though he had seen it literally every year. There was a sense of purity to the white blankets covering everywhere it fell.

"Feeling better?" Elena asked.

"Much…thank you Elena." Harry responded, leaning on the railing.

"Anytime." The brunette witch replied as the two savored the rare time they had together. The day went on smoothly afterwards as Harry returned to his normal state of mind though Roger did inquiry brashly why he was smiling a lot more during lunch as suppose to his usual nonchalant attitude. Cho promptly told Harry to ignore him as it was a healthy thing to do which caused a subsequent mouth off as the two bantered against each other.

"What are we even doing here?" Roger whispered to his best friend's ear as Professor Flitwick had ushered all the Ravenclaw students to an empty classroom.

"I don't know but I have a bad feeling about this." Harry shrugged as the brunette shifted tirelessly next to him with a groan in response.

Sometimes, his friend could be a little childish, scratch that, it should be very childish and it was not just sometimes.

"Is everyone here?" Little Flitwick squeaked before clapping his hands together.

"Good, now as some of you may know, the Triwizard Tournament has always included a Yule Ball since the tournament's inception…"

At this point, pretty much everyone got the general gist of what was going on and the reactions were divided between the excited giggles coming from the girls side and the exasperated groans from the guy's side.

Although Harry knew what was going to happen, the sight of so many girls eyeing him in a not so innocent manner were still a bit hard to take in. Damn Sirius for making him pose in those shirtless adverts for those Gossip Magazines and the Daily Prophet.

Immediately, miles away from Hogwarts

In the newly refurnished kitchen of No. 12 Grimmauld Place, one Sirius Black had the urge to laugh and sneeze at the same time as Kreacher could only shake his head at the obscurities his master was displaying.

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