Romance on the Orient Express - Part 5

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Ellie took a deep breath and sighed. "I have a feeling that's going to be Mr Smith..."

"What would he want from you?," Brian asked. He furrowed his eyebrows and leaned forward.

"Probably invite me for lunch yet again," Ellie said as she got up.

Brian got up as well. "You don't have to answer, you know?," he said quietly. "Just pretend you're not here. It's not even a lie, you're not in your compartment, are you?"

Ellie hesitated, until there was another knock. "And then? He's going to ask where I was."

"Here," Brian said, and gestured around himself. "I don't mind if you're honest. He's seen us eat together, he knows we're no strangers."

"Alright," Ellie said and sat back down on the bench.

"I thought you like scandalous," Brian said and sat beside her with a small smile.

Ellie looked at him and returned the smile. "Yes, you're right. I'm mostly just annoyed that he won't have me alone."

"It's just for a bit longer," Brian attempted to reassure her. "Then you won't have to see him again."

"That's a good point." Ellie nodded. "Thank you. Do you want to go have lunch soon as well?"

"Yes, if you'd like," Brian said, and placed his hand on her arm.

"I think I would. I want Mr Smith to see us eating together again to make a point," she stated. "Then I'd go get changed again."

Brian smiled at her. "That sounds good." He looked at her and his smile slowly turned into a smirk. "Need a hand with that?"

Ellie looked at him and laughed, before she got up. "I think I'll manage, but if not, I'll give you a shout."

"That's a plan," Brian replied, the smile on his face never fading. "Do you want to go to the restaurant together or do you want to meet me there?"

A very good question. "What do you think would make a better impression? Walking in together, or me following you, and then choosing you over him?," Ellie asked him.

Brian contemplated both options. "As much as I like the sound of you choosing me over him, I think walking in together makes it even clearer that you're not even considering him."

That made sense. "Very well, then I'll knock when I'm ready," she said. For a moment, she smiled and looked back at him. "Thank you."

"Of course," Brian said, and smiled at her as she closed the door.

In her compartment, Ellie put on a slightly dressier dress, and fixed up her hair and makeup, before she knocked on the connecting door again. She only had to wait for a moment before the door opened and stood face to face with Brian. "Hello again," she said with a smile.

"Hello," Brian returned the greeting, and the smile. "You look lovely," he added. Ellie looked down on herself and thanked him. "Are you ready to go?"

"I am, " she confirmed. She locked her door from the inside, and got her handbag. With everything in order, she joined Brian in his compartment. They left the connecting door open before they walked out into the corridor one after the other. Ellie went ahead, with Brian following close behind her, as closely as he could. Consequently, Ellie was the first to step into the restaurant.

It was impossible to miss Mr Smith in the restaurant, he sat almost right by the door, and looked up as Ellie came into the room. "Miss Bennett," he exclaimed, and got up from his chair. "Good to see you, I was just looking for you. Would you like to.. join... me?" he had started enthusiastically, but trailed off when he saw Brian enter the restaurant right behind Ellie.

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