Alternative Getting Together - Part 2

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When Brian entered the room with the tea and mugs, he picked up on that. "Any memories coming back?" He asked, placing it all down in front of Ellie on his coffee table.

"All of them," Ellie admitted. It was incredibly overwhelming, and she remembered why she had run out that morning.

"If... If you'd prefer to leave, please tell me instead of just leaving...," Brian said softly.

Ellie didn't dare to look at him. "Yeah," she sighed, struggling to keep herself calm. Maybe coming here had been the totally wrong thing to do. She took a deep breath, which helped a little. Only a little.

"You don't seem like you really want to be here," Brian pointed out.

Ellie sighed and shrugged. "I do, that's why I came here. It's just so overwhelming." With trembling fingers, she combed through her hair, breathing deeply.

"Is there anything I can do, Ellie?" He asked. It seemed as though he genuinely felt bad for her in this situation.

"I don't know, Brian," she replied honestly, glancing at him. "Being here just really makes me wish I had behaved differently that morning. I am truly sorry, Brian... I'm really nervous about being here."

"Why?" Brian asked, a question which Ellie couldn't answer so easily.

Not because she didn't know the answer, but because she didn't know how to phrase her answer without offending him - yet again. "It's... it's hard to explain," she began. "I suppose I simply find it incredibly hard to believe that you still actually want to spend time with me, despite everything I did. Please don't be upset with me, but part of me might be worried that you're planning some kind of elaborate revenge for what I did..."

"Revenge?" Brian asked surprised. "What? How... I mean, how would I get revenge by inviting you upstairs?"

"I don't know. I know it doesn't make sense, and I'm sorry, but I can't help it. I don't think you're evil, but it's just hard for me to believe that you do still want me around, and I guess I'm trying to come up with a reason..."

"And you think that's revenge?" Brian asked. Ellie was unable to read anything from his tone or expression.

"I-I don't know... not really, I guess, you don't seem like you'd do that, but -" She sighed desperately, hiding her face in her hands.

Brian didn't say anything for a moment, probably not having expected that kind of reaction from her. He took a step towards her and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. "May I sit next to you?" He asked quietly, and when Ellie nodded, he took a seat, moving his hand to her back. "Ellie, I think you worry too much. I promise I'm not after anything evil. I accept your apology, I forgive you for what happened. I can see that it's still bothering you and you probably have a reason for what you did, I just didn't know it. You don't have to tell me the reason, if you don't want to, I just need to know if you left because of me, because of how I am, or look..."

Ellie took a deep breath, shaking her head. "No, Brian... no, it was- those situations are overwhelming for me. I don't do well with so much attention from one guy, it freaks me out. I feel trapped, I feel like I'm choking, and the only way to feel better is to... to run away..."

"I suppose that makes sense. I'm sorry for doing that to you, Ellie. I did get a little overly excited, I admit that."

"Yeah," Ellie agreed. "From an outsider's perspective, what you did is incredibly sweet, Brian. But for me in that moment-" Ellie paused for a moment to take a deep breath, because the feeling of panic was rising in her yet again.

"I get it, Ellie. I apologise, and I forgive you. Is there anything I can do to help you relax now? You seem so stressed. Are you feeling the same way again?" He asked.

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