The Letter

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animal speech


Chapter 1:

Harry opened his eyes from a recurring nightmare to find he was still alone in the dark stingy cupboard that his whale of an uncle had 'graciously' let him have as his room. Harry didn't mind the dark though, it was relaxing and allowed him to concentrate on the important things in life. Important things like his nightmare he'd been having regularly. Harry would be lying down in his crib next to another baby. Who was this girl, his sister? No he was an only child, at least according to Petunia he was. What happened next always sent a shiver down Harry's spine, a piercing scream came from behind a door that seemed to lead out of the room and a green light appeared silhouetting the door. As this happened Harry felt movement beside him, the younger girl was waking up. Harry's focus then returned to the door where a man with pale skin stepped over the body of a women with red hair.

'I am sorry my children, but this must happen for this war to come to an end,' the pale man said, 'your sacrifice will be noted down in history'. Harry found himself laughing at the pale mans head, it was a very peculiar shape and had no hair. AVADA KEDAVRA shouted the man. The man looked surprised and went even paler when the spell rebounded of the shadows of the children. 

This is always where the nightmare ended and could feel the room get colder as he remembered the man, almost like the mere thought of him made the room cold. Harry heard a small pop and felt something land on his lap, reaching for the switch harry turned on the light in cupboard on his bed there was addressed to:

Heir Potter-Black-Chronus-Nyx-Slytherin

No.4 Privet Drive. Cupboard under the stairs.

Harry looked at the letter in amazement. Never in his life had he got a letter before. A million questions ran through Harry's mind but he decided it was best to open it and find out what the letter was about. Harry read the letter slowly and it read: 

Heir Potter-Black-Chronus-Nyx-Slytherin

We at the illustrious bank of Gringotts have some affairs we would like to set straight, these affairs include:


Accounts of Slytherin and Black.

To speak to us hold the letter and say 'electrum'.

May your gold forever flow, 

Ragnar, head of Gringotts inheritance office.

'Blimey' was all that Harry could manage. He should probably tell his aunt what had happened but then she would probably forbid him form going. Harry read through the letter again and, now with confidence, said 'electrum'.

There was a small pop and harry found himself standing in an office with a small goblin.

'Aaah heir Potter-Black-Chronus-Nyx-Slytherin, it is a pleasure to see you so soon' said the goblin, bowing in the process.

'Um..' Harry stuttered at the goblins politeness to him, 'thank you' he replied bowing 'I'm here to see Ragnar'.

At this the goblin chuckled and looked up at Harry, 'Why you are looking at him Heir Potter-'

'Please stop with the long titles, just call me Harry'

'OK, down to business you are here to sort out the taking on the role of Lord of and Slytherin, correct'

'uhm... Yes?' Harry said confused, he had no idea where he was he had no idea how he got here and he had no idea about most of the words the goblin said, maybe he should have stayed in bed.

'Mr Harry are you alright' Ragnar asked obviously seeing the confused look on Harry's face.

'I am so sorry I must sound so rude but I have no idea what you are talking about,' Harry said mustering all the politeness he could.

'Ok, Harry you are a  wizard,' Harry and Ragnar spent the next few hours discussing the wizarding world and other important stuff such as the Wizengamot, which was the wizards version of the house of lords, and Hogwarts, the school for those magically gifted, and his family ancestry. to confirm Harry's ancestry Ragnar let 1 drop of Harry's blood drop onto a parchment and it confirmed that his claims to Potter and were from his dad while he got Slytherin from his mum, titles he shared with his sister Cecilia, the 'Girl-Who-Lived', was heir Potter. However the titles to Chronus and Nyx originated from ancient Greece and were thought to have died pre-merlin and heir Black came from his Godfather

Time Skip:

It had taken Harry a month to come to terms with his powers and all the while he kept it hidden from aunt and uncle. After many hours of practice Harry found he could control the shadows of things around him, this required immense concentration however and left Harry exhausted afterwards. another power he found he could have is he could slow things down around him thus giving him increased speed and stamina. On Harry's 11th birthday he received a letter from Hogwarts asking him to get a list of things for school. When Harry started to open his letter Dudley snatched it from him and ran to Vernon screaming 'HARRY'S GOT A LETTER' this angered Harry greatly and he had to slow time around him to catch up to Dudley.

'Give that back.' Harry commanded. Dudley turned towards Harry with a smug look on his face as Vernon came huffing down the stairs.

'What is going on here then' Vernon asked gruffly ripping the letter out of Dudley's hand, as he opened the letter Harry could feel his rage bubble, if Vernon read that letter Harry would never be able to go to Hogwarts he would be stuck in this hell hole for the rest of his life. He had to do something....

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