12|The North Pole

Start from the beginning

Aanglooked at Katara with such a tired gaze that it pulled Katara's heartstrings. "I must have taken out a dozen Fire Navy ships, but there's just too many of them. I can't fight them all," He said, lips quivering a little. He couldn't become this all powerful avatar, that wasn't him. Or at least that was what he thought. Roku, Kyoshi, Yangchen and Kuruk had all been good avatars in their own ways, how was Aang supposed to live up to them in such little time when he was less than half their ages?

"But, you have to," Yue cried, fear contorting her face. "You're the Avatar."

At that Aang shook his head. "I'm just one kid," He whispered solemnly before burying his face in his arms. Within seconds he was swept into a comforting hug by Katara, who knelt beside him. The two kids shared a look.


In a dark room in one of the ships, Akemi and Zuko were loading their supplied into a small canoe. Iroh watched them with a slightly crestfallen face. "If you're fishing for an octopus my nephew, my niece, you need a tightly woven net, or he will squeeze through the tiniest hole and escape," Iron said.

Zuko brushed the comment off and continued preparing for his departure. "I don't need your wisdom right now, Uncle."

Akemi glared at her brother and gave him an elbow before lingering by her uncle's side. "Thank you, Uncle."

The elderly man gave the girl a kind nod in thanks. "Thank you Akemi," He turned to look at Zuko. "I'm sorry. I just nag you, because ... well," Iroh's voice broke as he caught sight of the porcelain dragon peeking out of Akemi's bag. "Ever since I lost my son..."

"Uncle, you don't have to say it." Zuko interjected with a soft and gentle tone.

"...I think of you two as my own." Iroh brought his hand up to squeeze Akemi's left hand, which still resided on his shoulder.

Zuko turned to face his uncle, a kind expression on his face. "I know, Uncle. We'll meet again," Zuko pulled Iroh into a hug. "After I have the Avatar." The boy turned and got into the boat as Akemi strode to the lines to help the decent of the boat.

"Remember your breath of fire. It could save your life out there!" Iroh called out to the lowering Zuko.

"I will."

"And put your hood up. Keep your ears warm!"

"I'll be fine!"

The boat reached the water and Akemi approached the large opening, preparing to jump down and join Zuko. First she turned to Iroh and hugged him. "I'll see you later, Uncle," She whispered into his ear.

In reply Iroh hugged her tighter before holding her at arms' length, head tilted to look up at her. A warm smile graced his face. "I hope tonight can mark your journey to peace," He told her, fingers pressing into her left shoulder as his right hand stayed clear from the skin he knew to be scarred.

"Thank you, Uncle." Akemi dove out of the ship and cut through the murky, ice cold waters of the poles.

As soon as Akemi resurfaced, Zuko extended her a hand and helped her onto their boat. After drying her clothes Akemi moved her arms in long circular motions to swirl the water around the two siblings and move them over the water silently. The ice walls of Anna Qel'a approaching them rapidly. They hid behind an ice spike when patrol on the walls past before pulling their canoe onto a sheet of ice just outside the wall. Melting part of the wall was out of the question as the duo couldn't be sure there were no guards on the other side.

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