Prince of Tennis: Monster

Start from the beginning


"What is that?", Akaya asked as his innocent eyes stared at the little girl who's now holding a box with a pink cake in it. It's been a month now since he met her and even though he won't admit it vocally, Akaya really liked her presence. He'd been used to being alone but now.. it just feels different. With her as his friend.. it didn't matter if everyone else ignore him. She's more than enough. If only they can stay this way forever.. then he won't feel lonely anymore. But he knew she can't stay here in Kanagawa.. Sakuno will be going back to her hometown after a few days and there's nothing he could do to stop it.

The auburn-haired girl smiled brightly, "It's a cake."

"I know..", he tried to act nonchalant but his stomach is starting to grumble, yearning for the heavenly taste of the cake to grace his tongue, "I meant.. what's that for?"

Sakuno's smile widened, "I-It's for you", and she paused to see the look of surprise on his face before, "Happy birthday, Akaya-kun!"

She held his hand (which made him blush more) with her free hand and led him to THEIR swing. Still shocked, he sat and stared as the girl laid the box carefully on his lap. The girl brought out a spoon from her backpack and gave it to him, "I asked Obaa-chan to bake a cake for your birthday. I-I hope you'll like it.." and she continued on rambling while the seaweed-haired boy moved his hand and took a spoonful of it.

Sakuno smiled happily as she watch him eat, when all of a sudden, tears started to cascade down the boy's cheeks. She placed her small hand on his shoulder with a worried expression, "A-Akaya-kun! Ano.. Did I say something bad? Akaya-kun? D-Doushi..te? Mou.. Ano-- G-Gomen! Have I hurt--"

"Thank you..", and the girl stopped. Akaya gazed at her with his tearful eyes but his lips were turning upwards, "This is.. the first cake I've ever had.. in my whole life. I've always wanted to know what it'd taste like. A-Arigato.. for remembering my birthday." A genuinely happy smile finally made its way to his lips. Sakuno.. is the first person who actually cared about his birthday. The girl returned his smile and urged him to eat more.

But his joy was cut short when a boy threw a stone at the delicate pink cake on his lap. A part of it splattered on his shirt and before he can even do anything, the rest of his precious cake fell unto the ground. His mouth gaped as he helplessly stared at the pink lump on the ground.

Raucous laughter erupted from the group of five kids who're now standing just a few feet away from them. Akaya's hands began to shake.. why did.. why..?

"Is he really the demon they were talking about? He looks more like a retard to me."

It hurts..

"Yeah, it's him. He almost choked Kai to death!"

It hurts to be hated..

"Look, the freak's crying!"

So much..

"Let's see if he really is that monster!"

Prince of Tennis: MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now