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A few days passed ever since Dave had gotten out from the hospital, and Dave was over at Bambi's. You would probably think it was a happy and jolly atmosphere, but really it was slightly gloomy.
Dave had a froen on his face. He didn't like having these fake legs or wheelchair, it was something difficult for him to get used to. He also couldn't do many things like he could before, and he sure as hell didn't bother trying experiments again. It brought back trauma from the past events that had happened.

Bambi had enough of this and took Dave's hands. "Dave, I was thinking, since you're in a bad mood right now, how about I try and surprise you?" Well, or at least I hope it does..."
Dave lightened up and looked up at Bambi. He nodded cheerfully, excited to figure out what Bambi had hidden for the past few days.

Bambi smiled, and went behind the wheelchair, moving Dave towards the truck outside. He carried him carefully inside and then got in himself as well.
The destination was a bit far, but it would be worth it. It truly would be.

Once they arrived, Bambi got out from his truck, took the wheelchair out the back, and finally carried Dave and sat him down on the wheelchair. To Dave's surprise, he saw beautiful tree's, filled with green leaves, a fountain producing it's water in a repetitive cycle, and a path made out of light and dark grey cobblestones. The fresh air relaxed both men, as the sniffed in the fresh smell of the full grown plants surrounding them.

"Do you, like it?"
"Bambi, I love it! This is beautiful!"

The farmer smiled, and began to take Dave for a stroll around this magnificent park. Both cheerfully talked about regular adult stuff, the usual, and in their way saw different kinds of restaurants nearby the park. Bambi even saw a rose and handed it to Dave on the way.  Dave held the rose so delicately, he knew himself, that he would keep it and maintain it healthy until it could no longer live once they returned back.

After about an hour of pure enjoyment and fun, both men sat down on a brown wooden bench to relax a bit and take in the fresh air in which blew by their faces.

Bambi moved his hand closer towards Dave's, and just in a few seconds, they were both holding hands. Both began to blush a bright shade of red, and smiled nervously, making only eye contact with the floor.

They did this for about a minute, until Bambi spoke up. The words that he had waited so long to speak to Dave.

"Dave, I love you."

"I love you too, Bambi."

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