The magical visitors

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Kyra's Pov:

it was early in the summer and I was in the library with everyone going over all the magical objects the DMI sent to us to categorise and put away when suddenly there was this big ball of light and two girls drop to the ground. one with a beige and green bag.

 "Who are you and what was that thing?" I ask the first girl responds. 

"We are your daughters Luna and Lilah from the future and we need some help getting back home," Luna says 

"And who is your father?" Imogen asks 

"Darra Blackwell," Lilah says everyone gasps at what Lilah just said, 

"so I'm your father?" Darra asks 

"yes and Kyra is our mother," Luna says 

"Professor, how is this possible?" Kyra asks Maxwell 

"I don't know but we should do a DNA test to see if they are your daughters," Maxwell says about an hour later the twins, Kyra, Darra, Imogen, and Maxwell go to the DMI to do the DNA test.

 "All the test results came back positive, they are indeed your daughters," Sean says 

"Well, that confirms it you are our daughters," Kyra says 

"well now that that is settled we should get back to the library to continue our studies, of course, you girls are welcome to sit in on the lesson if you would like to," Maxwell says 

"We would love to," Lilah says

 "perfect, now do you girls know how to jump?" Darra says 

"yes, we do know how to jump it's one of the first magic skills you taught us when we were seven," Luna says 

"great shall we be off," Maxwell says they all jump back to the library to continue the lesson. after the lesson school is dismissed and everyone goes to the park to get answers to their questions. once they order their juices they sit down underneath a big willow tree. 

"so who wants to ask the first question?" Luna says Ruksy raises her hand 

" Are you two tri-lings or elves?" she asks 

"We are both tri-lings like mom but the only way you can tell us apart is that one of us has dad's elf ears and the other has human ears," Lilah says 

"so which one has the elf ears?" Lily asks Lilah pulling back a strand of her hair to show her elf ears that look exactly like Darra's 

"Wow, now we can tell which one is which Lilah is the one with the elf ears and Luna is the one with the human ears," Lily says 

"Which one of you is the older twin?" Imogen asks 

"I'm the oldest," Luna says 

"by fifteen seconds!" Lilah argues 

"Still I'm older than you and fifteen seconds is a long enough time difference for me to be older" Luna argues back 

"Still it doesn't mean you can brag about it!" Lilah argues 

"Girls!" Kyra yells 

"Maybe we should get to the next question before this gets to be a bigger problem," Kyra says. 

"fine... who's next?" Luna asks 

"Why did you come back here?" Darra asks Luna gives Lilah's hand a squeeze letting her know that it's okay to tell them 

"We came back here to see you guys...cause you never say anything to us about your school days, all you say is how you met and that we were magical beings," Lilah says. 

"well that doesn't sound like something we would do to you ever, we must have had a good reason but for now, you can experience it with us," Kyra says. after a few minutes, Lilah checks her phone to see the time it says it is 4:50 PM 

"what time do you guys need to be home?" Lilah asks 

"5:00 for me," Lily says, 

"same for me," Ruksy says 

"And I've got to be home by 5:20 or dad will send out a search party for me," Imogen says 

"alright so right now it's 4:50 so you girls better get going," Luna says. after everyone leaves Darra asks Kyra if he could stay over at her place, she agrees and asks the girls if they wanted to stay at her place until they can get them back home. they all jump to Kyra's home to find her dad in the kitchen making supper 

"Hey dad is it okay if some friends could stay here for a few weeks it's important?" Kyra asks 

"Sure sweetheart who are your friends? Darra, Luna, and Lilah," Kyra says, then everyone walks into the main room 

"hi Steve good to see you," Darra says 

"good to see you too Darra," Steve says then sees two girls come into view 

"you both look so familiar do I know you from somewhere?" 

"not really," Lilah says 

"so how long are you going to stay?" Steve asks 

" A few weeks," Luna says  

"Why is it a few weeks?" Steve asks 

"our parents are away for a few weeks on an expedition and all of our family members are busy, and our babysitter is sick and we can't stay at home alone," Luna says 

"alright well we have plenty of room here, so Darra you can stay in the guest room and girls you can stay with Kyra in her room," Steve says 

"alright," Luna says. after supper, we all hung out, watched movies, and played board games until we started to get sleepy, so we packed everything up, put it away, and went to bed.

what do you guys think of my new book?

see you next chapter.

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