Biggest Rush

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James, Jerma, and Big Time Rush sped to the airport, running in front of speeding cars. Jerma got hit by one but it did not phase the man. After about thirty minutes of running they had arrived at the airport. James had no idea where to find the plane from Britain so he feebly walked to the front desk and asked. Once he had gained the knowledge he, with Jerma and Big Time Rush, began to run to the terminal. After what felt like hours of running they had found it. Right as they started to disembark from the plane. The group began to look frantically for James' Granny, as to not miss her. Suddenly Jerma had spotted the elderly woman, and pointed her out to James, but once he saw her, he realized there was someone with her.

It was his girlfriend, Alyssa. He was so filled with joy and excitement that he felt as if he would explode. He hadn't seen her since the day before he had moved to America. He soon began to walk over to the two. He gleefully gave his grandmother the ceramic egg and hugged Alyssa. He could not believe she was there, his day could not get any better, it was the biggest rush he had ever felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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