Angel Wings Part 1

Start from the beginning

You moved your fingers, slowly turning your arms around. You then pinched yourself hard, you hissed at the pain that shot through your arm, but smiled. In the afterlife, there was no pain or suffering, so you smiled at this new change.

You then looked up to see your surroundings, you'd remembered the task. You were to keep Paul safe. You recognised where you were, in a rock formation where the rest of the Fremen were hiding. You spotted Paul and Jessica sigh as they stood at the base of the rocks. They must've just been chased by the SandWorm.

'No not run.'  You recognised the voice to be the leader, Stilgar, as the words rang out through the rocks. 'You will only waste your bodies water.' 

You remembered how scarce water was, and the value it held. Lucky for you, you were still an Angel in a Fremen's body, and didn't need many Fremen resources to survive. 

That's when you spotted a Fremen jump out, ready to attack and kill Paul. Your first instinct was to race out and stop him.

'Remember, Y/n, I will help.' You heard Coelestis' voice. 

'Hold.' Stilgar commanded. He slowly crouched and examined Paul and Jessica. 

'Stilgar.' Said the boy. His voice definitely matched his face, sweet and handsome. 'Hey, you know me. I was there when you came to my father's council.'

'Ah,' Stilgar pulled down his cloth headpiece, 'this is the Duke's son.'

A few annoyed people called out that they needed water, to kill Paul and Jessica. That's when you slipped out.

'He is the One. We cannot lay a hand on him.' Your heart beat loudly in your throat. You knew full well they were aware you existed, only as Y/n the orphan Fremen, not Y/n the Angel.

People questioned you, asking if he was the Lisan al-Gaib, or if he had proven himself.

'Listen to her, Y/n is right.' Stilgar said. You sighed in relief.

'They're weaklings.' Someone called out.

'We have powerful friends.' Said the woman. Her voice matched the boys, sugary and sweet yet demanding. 'You help us off world, to Caladan, you will be well reworded.'

'What wealth can you offer beyond the water in your flesh.' Stilgar said.

You weren't sure what they needed besides water, so to hear what Jessica had to say was important. 

As they spoke, you kept glancing at Paul. For a while, he wasn't paying any attention to you, however, at one moment, he was looking right at you, right at your Fremen-blue eyes.

You weren't paying attention as the commotion folded out in front of you, until you heard a shuffling of feet, and Jessica was fighting someone. Before you knew it, Paul was up beside you, holding a maula pistol to your throat.

You groaned and yanked it out of his hands. 'You have no idea how to use this thing.' You mumbled to him, shaking your head. 

'She'll cut my throat.' Stilgars' voice was calm as Jessica held her blade to his throat. 'Why didn't you say you were a weirding woman and a fighter.'

'That conversation ran short.' She replied, making you smirk.

'Peace, woman, peace, I just misjudged.' Stilgar grunted. She let him go.

Coelestis must've felt like they didn't need you anymore, so the world around you grew blurry as time passed. Soon, it was night time again and everyone was up and ready to travel to the nearest Seitch.

'Y/n?' A fremen, Chani said.

'Mmm?' You played off the weird feeling.

'We're leaving.'

'Right.' You nodded.

As you walked, you glanced at Paul, who was a few steps behind you. You decided to slow down until you were next to him.

'I'm Y/n.' You said.

'Paul.' He said.

'I know. Pretty hard to miss.' 

'I guess so.' Paul muttered. 

You both stood in silence for a long time before Paul spoke up again.

'Have I seen you before?' He asked.

'I don't think so.' You panicked as Paul watched you.

'No, I think I have. I've heard your voice before.' Paul looked at you, curiously. 

That's when you noticed how soft his eyes were, how the chocolate brown melted into his dark pupils.

No, don't think about that. You lectured yourself.

'No. You haven't. You shook your head. 'You defiantly have never seen me before.' 

'I swear...' He trailed off. 'Alright.' He nodded. 'I haven't.'


I hope you guys enjoyed! Feel free to tell me what you think, suggest a one-shot idea and follow for more like this! <3

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