Cogman (5)

524 18 3

3rd Person

Cade gives a signal and the four humans run to the abandoned church. They climb the stairs and look out windows to see the drones flying around.

"There's always one in charge! Just like in Chicago, like a mother!" Izabella yells.

Drones begin to shoot down boarded up window, making their way into the church. They all begin to run as (Y/N) and Cade hold up their blasters, shooting what ones they can. The four of them get into a room and duck down. Jimmy rants on about how the job doesn't have healthcare. Bullets reign down on the wall and Cade runs through a wall to make an exit. They all go through before hiding in another room.

Two drones hover in and open fire. (Y/N) shoots the closer one and the other rams itself against Cade, causing it to lose its flight ability. Izabella grabs a bar of pipe and continuously bashes the drone. Another drone enters the room and Jimmy stands in front of Cade and (Y/N).

"It's using facial recognition." Is his excuse.

"Are you crazy?" Cade asks.

"Stay behind me." Jimmy continues to go either side of the pole, hands raised.

"It's a bad idea." (Y/N) says.

In that moment, the drone fires a bean bag, causing Jimmy to launch through the wall behind him. Cade shoots down the drone.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" Cade asks.

Cade and (Y/N) look at Jimmy, who's groaning and covered in a piece of the wall.

"Cade, (Y/N), I just wanted to say I love you guys."

"What?" Cade asks.

"This job wasn't what I thought, but I appreciate everything."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm dying!"

(Y/N) can't help but laugh a little. "It's only a bean bag dude. There's no hole, no blood, no nothing." They say.

"Will you get up? Stop trying to act like a hero." Cade says.

"That shit was a bean bag? It hurt like a bullet dude, I felt it go through me!" Jimmy gets up and we all begin to jog downstairs.

"That's the whole idea dude, to immobilise the target." (Y/N) says.

They all exit through the back door and head to a larger building.

"There's always one in charge!" Izabella says.

"All right, we take out the big one, we're gonna take ''em all out." Cade yells as they stop to press an elevator button.

Drones approach them quickly but the door opens and they enter.


I enter the elevator with the others.

"Oh my god! Leprechaun!" We turn to see Jimmy freaked out at the sight of a transformer.

"Leprechauns are tiny, green and Irish. And that is offensive." He pauses. "What are you looking at little girl? Hello master/mistress (Y/N), I've been sent to collect you."

"Collect me?" I ask.

"No, no, you're not collecting shit." Cade goes to reach for the transformer but is easily backed down.

The elevator door opens and there's a sudden impact to my chest. I crash through the glass of the elevator and grab onto the drone that crashed into me. It spins slightly and I hit the side of a building. I fall onto the roof of a green building. Unable to stop myself from sliding down, I grab onto the pole pointing out of the concrete so I don't plummet to my demise.

I dangle there and watch as the drone falls and bursts to pieces. A drone approaches and I swing off the pole as it fires, landing on another piece of roofing. I look down at my chest where the bullet should have hit and find the talisman thing crawling away from the spot. I quickly stand and run across the roof, attempting to out run the drones that have just seen me.

I think of a plan that could go to shit pretty quickly. I plan the timing and jump off the roof, using the drones as platforms to jump onto the biggest one, clearly the leader. Bit by bit, it hits the ground and I come to a rolling stop. I sit up to see Crosshairs shooting down the remaining drones. The small transformer from before stands beside me. He begins to spray compressed air on me in an attempt to get the dust and dirt off. I knock his hands away.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Cogman. I am here because of that." He points to the talisman. "And that is here because of you." I grab the talisman and it attaches itself to me. "You have been chosen."

"What do you mean chosen?" I ask.

"I'll explain everything if you kindly come with me." He says.

"Aye, (Y/N), what's with the C3PO rip off?" Crosshairs asks, reaching down to grab Cogman.

Cogman reches up and grabs Crosshairs's finger, twisting it. "Don't kill the messenger or the messenger will kill you." Crosshairs hits the ground in pain as the wiring in his finger sparks.

"If you want to save your friends, you will leave them." I turn to see Cade, Izabella and Jimmy running over. "Your friends will be safe in your absence. In your presence, unsafe. You are more important than you can possibly imagine. You are needed. Urgently. My master is fond of saying that all the important decisions in life come down to one moment."

I nod slightly, getting up and jogging to the others. "You're gonna be all right. You're family now. They're gonna take care of you. Cade you're coming with me."

"The plane is waiting. We're going to England." Cogman says.

"Bee?" I get static in response. Cade and I walk to the plane, Bee following behind us.

The plane takes off and Cogman's voice rings over the PA. "Welcome to Air Folgan. Please strap in. Turbulence can kill. There will be no snack service on this flight, no drinks, no fun." We begin to go to England.

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