Cruiser (3)

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Cade finally decided that he wants to drive. Bee and Hound continue to drive while Cade stops the ATV.

"Oh, hey Chief! Wow, nice." Cade goes to pet the horse but retracts his hand after having it nipped. "God! Nice horse you got there. You're really getting into this whole Indian thing, huh?"

I hit Cade's shoulder as Sherman begins to talk. "Don't call me Chief. My name is Sherman."

"A-aren't you the tribal chief?" Cade asks.

"Yeah... but coming from you it sounds, vaguely racist." He pauses. "My cruiser got stolen."

"What?" Cade acts surprised and I'm just internally pissed. Grimmlock has done this multiple times now, and damn it's hard to replace those things with all the police deputy stickers. "That terrible. You know what? Shit's getting out of control a bunch of my stuff got stolen."

"Cut the shit Cade. And get me my car back." Sherman looks at Cade then me.

Cade begins to drive again after a slight nod. When we arrive at the junk yard, Cade calls out to Jimmy.

"Hey don't take any aggression out on me." Is Jimmy's reply.

"Damn it Grimmlock! We're guests here!" Cade calls out. I grab the gear from the back of the ATV.

"You in some shit huh." Jimmy asks.

"Neck deep." I say.

"That's what you get for taking the yellow bugger. You need a leader out there. Like me." Cross hairs is quickly approached after that statement. Very quickly, once again, it turns into a wrestling match.

Cade goes to handle Grimmlock while I put the gear away in the main area. Cade and Jimmy walk in after a minute.

"You want to go to federal prison?" Is the first thing I hear from Cade.

"No, no I don't want to go to any prison."

"Cause that's where you're gonna go, okay? Cause you're aiding and abetting. I'm the fugitive. I'm the big boss, you're my little crimey." Cade and I exchange a glance as I put the last of the gear away.

"When both of you leave, it becomes the wild kingdom out here. I don't know what to do." Jimmy says.

"We told you, this is a junkyard, they blend in with other junk."

"Fuck, I'm going to go handle Bee and Cross. They're about to slit each other's throats, again." I walk out of the garage and over to a safe distance from the two who are holding each other at gunpoint.

3rd Person

Cade and Jimmy continue to talk as (Y/N) climbs up to Bee's shoulder. They get Bee to put his blaster away, and Crosshairs won't shoot while (Y/N) is with Bee. Looking over their shoulder, (Y/N) sees Trader driving in.

"Who the hell let him in?" They ask.

Climbing down from Bee's shoulder, (Y/N) walks over to Cade and tells him that Trader gave Jimmy a gun to get in. Hound throws a few frag grenades, causing Trader to lose his balance a bit. He begins to ramble on about what will kill Hound first, then puts stuff down for Cade and (Y/N) to look at.

(Y/N) kicks away Starscream's head, and Cade takes the voice box for Bee.

"Is it gonna work this time?" (Y/N) asks.

"I only got the good stuff, you know that."

"You hear that, Bee? You're gonna talk buddy!" Bee begins to dance to the radio at Cade's words.

"Alright what else you got?" (Y/N) asks


"Where'd you get that piece of junk? A Knight of Iacon Talisman in this dump? Nah, it's not real." Trader says.

I look at what he's referring to to see the item that the dying transformer had tried to give me when I helped him. I pick it up and look at Cade, showing it to him.

"You think we don't know what the hell this is? How valuable is it? But I know it's something cause it's got you licking your chops you skank." Cade's words were harsh but true.

"Words hurt Cade. There are exactly seven. Seven signs of the apocalypse. And that talisman showing up here is numero uno. If that fancy pancake was real, I'd grab a spaceship and blow this dirt all planet." Finished with the little info talk, Trader goes to cover himself in oil.

The girl from earlier begins to run out. "You can not stay here kid. I got enough strays." Cade says.

"I'm not a kid! I'm useful. I fix shit. Better than anyone. And I got a name you know? Izabella. Izabella with a z." She follows Cade and I watch as I grab a blaster that needs repairing.

After a few minutes, Cade climbs to the roof to get the call from Tessa. I watch as one of the baby transformers hits the ground from the roof. I walk out and look up at Hound. He always does it but there's no need to.

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