Chapter 11

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Swiftclaw padded back to camp, in a daze. Hawkfrost brought up fair and reasonable points. But what exactly was this meeting about? 

"Swiftclaw!" An annoyed voice yowled. 

"Leafpaw!" Swiftclaw bounded up to the small brown tabby. "Sorry about the herb-" 

"Enough! I saw you with Hawkfrost," Leafpaw's eyes widened. Swiftclaw felt sick. 

Oh, StarClan help me! Swiftclaw thought nervously. 

"He's dangerous! I saw Brambleclaw talking to him too." Leafpaw growled. 

"Brambleclaw?" Swiftclaw twitched his ear. 

"That's not the point. Don't you trust me?" Leafpaw hissed. Swiftclaw stared into her deep amber eyes. 

I can't bring myself to say no. Not to her. He thought with a sigh. 

"Fine," Swiftclaw grumbled. "I won't meet with him." 

"Good. And by the way," Leafpaw rested her tail tip on his shoulder. "Goldenflower does love you. Hawkfrost was lying. Both your parents loved you." 

"You don't know that!" Swiftclaw snapped. He bit his tongue. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap." 

"It's fine. Just- go back to camp." Leafpaw stared at the ground. 

"I'll do just that." 


Swiftclaw sighed as he gazed at the lake. 

I have to swim in that! He thought in disgust. Swiftclaw held his breath and leaped into the water. He gagged as the freezing lake water rushed into his mouth. 

Swiftclaw forced himself to move his legs and paddle in the water. "I see the island!" He almost mewed. He yelped as water once again flooded into his mouth. He tried his best to swim but felt himself sinking. 

StarClan save me! He thought desperately. 

As his lungs screamed for air, the black and white tom panicked. He could see the bottom of the deep lake. 

I'm really far under the water. No one is coming to save me!   Swiftclaw closed his eyes and prepared to accept certain death. 

Suddenly a sharp pain stabbed him in his back. 


A brown tabby cat had him in his jaws. 

He's carrying me like a kit! Swiftclaw thought in annoyance. Perhaps it was Brambleclaw. 

I'm surprised he can swim, Swiftclaw thought. It didn't matter. This cat was bringing him to safety. That's all he cared about. The tom growled and threw Swiftclaw up to the surface, following shortly after. He pushed the black and white tom onto the island shore. 

Swiftclaw collapsed and coughed up water. 

"Thanks Bramble-" His heart stopped as he looked up to face the tom who had saved his life. "Hawkfrost?!" Swiftclaw winced and stood up. 

"You fish-brain!" Hawkfrost reached out his claw and slashed Swiftclaw across the muzzle. Swiftclaw jumped back in pain. 

"Hey!" Swiftclaw unsheathed his claws as blood dripped from his face. 

"You know," Hawkfrost sat down and gingerly licked his paw. "If i was going to attack you, you're a good fighter." 

"Get on with it." Swiftclaw snorted. 

"Whatever you say, brother." Hawkfrost turned his back and started to walk away. 

"Brother?" Swiftclaw twitched his ear. 

"Well yeah," Hawkfrost turned his head over his shoulder. "Goldenflower and Tigerstar were mates. Tigerstar is my father. Sure, we aren't related by blood, but we share a common relative. So I think it's safe to call you brother." He mewed and dipped his head. Swiftclaw shook his head. 

I'm such a mess! I didn't even know he was my kin! Why can't I do anything right? Swiftclaw thought with a sigh. 

"Interesting," Was Swiftclaw's only response. 

"Now, follow me." Hawkfrost lashed his tail and Swiftclaw trotted after him. 

"Hawkfrost." A deep voice growled. "You kept me waiting." 

"M-Mudclaw?!" Swiftclaw widened his eyes. "Why is a WindClan cat here?" Swiftclaw glared at them. 

"ThunderClan. Hawkfrost, what is going on?" Mudclaw bared his fangs and lashed his wiry tail. 

"Enough," Hawkfrost sat down. "I've gathered us here to chat." 

"About what?" Swiftclaw snorted. Mudclaw rolled his eyes with a grunt. 

Hawkfrost's eyes glimmered. "A problem among all the clans." 

"Leave WindClan out of this!" Mudclaw flexed his claws and lashed his tail. Swiftclaw found himself agreeing with the former deputy. 

"That, my friend, is out of my control. But it could be in yours." Hawkfrost licked his paw and let his gaze meet Swiftclaw's. 

"You as well, brother." 

"Cut to the chase! What is it you want from us?" Swiftclaw hissed. 

"So... hostile," Hawkfrost chuckled. "But a good point indeed. I shall explain on one condition. What is said here, stays here." 

"Whatever. Fine." Mudclaw glared at him. Swiftclaw nodded. 

"Good, good." Hawkfrost purred. "I have deep concerns as far as leadership in the clans. Firestar is trying to take control over Windclan." 

"How dare you?" Swiftclaw unsheathed his claws. "My leader would never do such a thing," Swiftclaw glanced at Mudclaw for support but the brown tom remained silent and seated calmly. 

"You promised to hear me out!" Hawkfrost hissed back. 

Swiftclaw grunted and glared at the RiverClan cat. "Fine." 

"As I was saying," Hawkfrost continued. "I noticed Firestar has built an alliance with Onewhisker. Tallstar too. It's no surprise he allied with them so much. Tallstar was always too trusting and Onewhisker is letting his friendship with Firestar get in the way of his judgement," 

Swiftclaw narrowed his amber eyes but continued to listen to the RiverClan warrior. 

"Firestar took advantage of a dying cat to make his 'friend' leader of Windclan. But oh! It's just a set up. Firestar will manipulate him into giving that ThunderClan rat full leadership of WindClan. We can't just let this happen!" Hawkfrost hissed. 

"You are talking sense," Mudclaw mewed thoughtfully. "However, what can three cats do?" 

"Ah, that's the catch. We need to build up cats with similar... interests." Hawkfrost purred. 

"I don't agree with this, going behind our leader's back? Really?" Swiftclaw hissed. 

Hawkfrost padded over to him and faced him nose-to-nose. 

"Remember who saved your life just moments ago?" Hawkfrost whispered in a chilling voice. A shiver went down Swiftclaw's spine. "You owe me everything." 

Dazed, Swiftclaw shook and nodded. 

"Good," Hawkfrost sat down. "It's getting closer to dawn. Both of you should go." 

"Fair enough," Mudclaw grunted. "I'm interested. Same time tomorrow night?" 

"Sure," Hawkfrost nodded and leaped into the lake. He swiftly swam away from the shore. 

Mudclaw glanced at the water. "Gosh I hate getting my paws wet," he muttered. 

"Me too," Swiftclaw agreed. 

I shouldn't even be here, oh StarClan, what did I get myself into? 

WARRIORS AU: Swiftpaw livedWhere stories live. Discover now