Broken angels

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Chapter 1

The beginning

 Once upon a July night, it was 21st July 2000 I can remember it when my best friend Ryleigh died after giving birth to her second child Alex, she left me here alone with baby Alex and 2 years old Matilda and a father who had disowned his kids, I kept begging him to take care of them only for God’s sake but he refused . I hadn’t any other choices either to put them in an orphanage or take them to live with me , I chose to be kind even if there will be things I can’t handle alone , I took them to my home , I knew it for the beginning my cousin Georgiana will criticize me for raising this kids .

   Excuse me I forgot to tell you who am I but the story is really fantastic, anyways I am Ashleigh, Ashleigh James a nurse I have also studied some about psychology and body language but I am not that good at it , I am 24 years with no husband no kids , my family died 2 years ago I inherited a lot of money from them we were a wealthy family ,  I live a quiet life so I could raise those kids in quietly .

  My cousin and I don’t get along with each others so she kept saying that I am wrong for taking this kids but I found it awesome playing puzzles with Matilda the intelligent girl she was so cute she had a blonde brown curly hair , brown eyes and an oval face , Alex was a cute little boy with blonde brown hair and blue eyes . I wasn’t a perfect one at all but I tried my best to make them happy and another three happy years passed.

Chapter 2

Another day , Another tear


  Matilda now knew some words and was able to talk well but Alex now is a young boy who is running all day long trying to investigate everything but he wasn’t that talkative kid like Matilda he spent his days running around and only speak a little  , anyway I decided it’s time for Matilda to  go to school , she went to the same school I used to go when I was a kid St James school . Matilda was one of the cleverest girls in her class , all teachers said that she will be a nerd but school is spilt into nerds and bullies , that gang Thomas , Billy , Drake , Ben , Lucas , Regina and Janice they were being ridiculous with Matilda but a good teacher put a limit to that bullying , then one day Matilda came home crying she told me about Drake and Janice Lee Augustus wait what it wasn’t just a name Alex and Matilda Lee Augustus … that truth Lee is the father who had disowned his children , it’s clear Lee was having an adulterous relationship with a woman her name was McKenna and when he knew about Ryleigh’s children he asked  his children Janice and Drake to tell them the truth about their dead mother and that her father chose to disown her , but kindness can change a lot I told her that I will always be there for her and not to listen to those negative people there is more in life than negative people surround yourself with positive people who care about you and don’t put you down . Another two years passed happily no one had made Matilda cry or even anyone dared to bully her

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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