"Avni" I heard someone call my name.

This voice.....how can I ever forget this voice.....even after so many years.....I can't.

But the thing is what is he doing here.

We all turned towards the door...where the voice came from.

There he was standing in all his glory... looking smart and handsome as ever.
But only I know....what is the truth behind this handsome face.

"Who the hell let him in" Sofie shouted.

"What is this bastard doing here" Andrew shouted.

"He is so dead" Ro and Karan shouted.

My mind was taking time to process things.....it was numb.

"Guys please listen to me....I know what I did was wrong...but please...I need to talk to Avni" he said coming towards me.

"One more step towards her.... I'll make sure you don't go out alive" Rohan said.

It was then I realised what was happening. I came out of my trance.

So I decided...this is my chance and I won't miss it at any cost.

"Guys please...calm down. I need to talk to him and I need to end this for once and for all. I need my closure" I said

"Please guys"

"Thank you so much Avni....I knew you would listen to me....gosh I missed you" he said hugging me.

I broke the hug and said
"Move away"


"Move away" this time I said it a bit louder.

"Well okk...after whatever happened you would react this way I know....I won't hug you till we clear it up" he said

"Don't beat around the bush... everyone knew what you did and why you did so....just cut the crap" I said harshly.

"Ohh, you have become feisty" he said chuckling

" How did you get here" I asked instead of replying to him

"That doesn't matter I....."

"How.did.you.get.here" I asked angrily this time

"Hey hey calm down....uhh...Navya actually told me that you are here" he said.

"That bitch" I heard Karan and Andrew.

" So, where is she" I asked

" She ....uh...I don't kn----"


"She is here....uhh... wait I'll call her"
He said and went to call her.

"Guys, please don't mind me asking but what is going on and who is he ? And how does he know Navya" Siddharth asked

"Wait for 5 Mr.Khurrana....you'll get your answers" I replied.

"Avni are you sure" Sofie asked.

" It's been very long Sof..... enough of me hiding things and not confronting anything..... let's end this today.

It's a new start for me leaving everything behind.... finally accepting my identity...so let's finish this last thing as well" I said.

"We are with you" they all said ofcourse except Siddharth.
Well, neither do I care about him.


Heyyy guys....I am back.

So sorry for updating after long...but due to my boards I couldn't.

So here's the update and now I'll update frequently.

Alsoo , I can't believe... I'll turn 18 tomorrow 🤩

Andddd who do you think this "he" is ?
Do comment and tell.

Happy reading.
Byeeeee ❤️
Take care ❤️

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