"Even when bleeding out he's such a child." Wilbur rolled his eyes and Techno laughed walking down and out the building.




Phil sighed close to opening the door. Tommy wheezed next to him holding his bandaged side.

"So I'm your favourite right?" Tommy chuckled.

"After today maybe." Phil opened the door to see Techno holding a sword and Wilbur holding a brush pointing at him on top of a table as Techno was in the kitchen. "Yeah you're my favourite now."

"Hell yeah!" Tommy punched in the air grabbing the other twos attention.

"Uh hi dad." Wilbur stepped down off the table and threw the broom down on the sofa.

"Techno sit down I'll order food." The three cheered as Phil laughed pulling out his phone. He ordered from their local fish and chips and they each had their own meal. Phil wiped his face and looked up. "Now that we're all here and listening I'll tell you about your mission." Techno and Wilbur stopped eating and looked at him. Tommy looked at him with a face stuffed full of chips. "There is a corporation near where the office building is. Jack found out that underneath it is a large group of people selling very powerful nukes to powerful people. Jack and Niki went deeper and found out the plans to set them all off in a couple of weeks for forth of July in America. They want to make them here and shoot them from near our company." The three of them stared at Phil with wide eyes.

"So we have to save the day?" Wilbur asked tensing and leaning forward.

"No you have to save the world before it explodes." Phil smiled.

"Seems like a lot of work." Techno yawned and leaned back.

"THIS IS GOING TO BE FUCKING AWESOME!" Tommy yelled and stood up chips flying around him.


"Alright boys are you ready!" A kind motherly voice yelled. Tommy's bright blue eyes lit up hearing the voice.

"MUMZA!" Tommy grabbed his bag and ran down the stairs in a fully black outfit. A bright smiled with open arms greated him as he jumped right into them. "Aw Mumza I'm gonna miss you you just got here!"

"Yeah im sorry boys I stayed in America a lot longer than expected but at least I get to see you off." Tommy let go and she stared at the three of them with a soft smile. "One last hug!" She quickly pulled all three in as the two eldest boys groaned as Tommy beamed brightly in her arms.

"Alright let go before you kill them." Phil laughed and opened up the door. Techno and Wilbur threw themselves through the door almost ending up on the freshly cut grass. Tommy laughed and walked out his hands in his pockets smiling at Kristin and Phil.

"See you both when the world ends!" Tommy snickered leading Wilbur and Techno out the garden. Kristin and Phil waved before Kristin leant against his chest watching them walk away.

"They'll be alright... right?" She looked up and Phil smiled down at her.

"Of course they will. They are your boys after all." Kristin smiled as Phil kissed her forehead hugging around her waist resting his head on hers. They watched as Tommy yelled something causing Techno and Wilbur to start to chase after him.



"You dare finish that and I'll shove the nukes so far down your throat you'll never speak again." Techno glared at Tommy as a smirk started to carve itself into his face.

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