Save The Day

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"Way to open up your big mouth Tommy!" Wilbur shouted as three bandits started attacking each of the three brothers.

"I'm sorry I thought no one was home!" Tommy shouted kicking a bandit backwards trying to stab them but they rolled out the way. Technos bandit flipped the sword around which confused him. Techno was hit with the handle of the blade and fell over groaning and holding his head. Technos bandit ran over to Tommy and flipped his sword over. Tommy looked up confused as the bandit grabbed it by the handle and sliced through Tommy's side.

"AH!" Tommy fell over dropping his sword. Wilbur looked over and ran for his sword. Wilbur threw Tommy's sword at his bandits neck and his own through Tommy's bandits chest. Techno found his bandit about to stab Wilbur as Techno threw his sword hitting them in the legs. Wilbur turned around and stabbed them in the chest.

"I had that." Techno said as Wilbur rolled his eyes and grabbed bandages out of his backpack.

"Are you okay?" Wilbur held his brother in his arms trying to see the wound.

"I'm not okay! I'm Tommy!" Tommy grins trying to ignore the pain watching Wilbur frown in disappointment.

"Stab em again" Techno sighs watching the two brothers laugh. Wilbur bandaged Tommy up the best he could before putting him on his back.

"Let's go home. There's no point trying again now if Tommy is injured." Wilbur said looking at Tommy's dull eyes as if he was going to faint. Techno sighed having failed another mission. Nothing bad would happen to them but its a depressing feeling. The trio made their way through the forest until a large building came into view. It was clean and sturdy despite its surroundings. The dark clouds started to cover the sky which was turning a dark blue as the moon started to rise. Wilbur ran through the halls of the building finding Daniele holding a ipad which had lists of medicines displayed.

"Oh god not again." She pointed to the bed and grabbed viles and bandages. Wilbur laid him on the bed and Tommy groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Ugh...Wil?" Wilbur smiled and stood up straight.

"You'll be alright Tommy. Me and Techno are going to tell Dadza that we're back so relax and listen to Daniele.

"Oh...hi Daniele!" Tommy seemed delirious from blood loss and Daniele giggled.

"Hi Tommy." She waved and sat next to him cutting open the pack of bandages. Wilbur and Techno left walking towards Phils office. Wilbur took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in!" The two walked into Phils office. Techno leaned near the door as Wilbur sat in the chair. "Ah hello how was it?" Phil smiled looking at the two.

"Uh not the best." Wilbur nervously laughed rubbing the back of his neck.

"Tommy's with Daniele in the infirmary and we didn't get the main guy." Techno frowned. Phil sighed and looked at him.

"Its fine mate you all did the best you could and did as I told you too if one of you got injured. Besides I have another mission for you all when Tommy gets better."

"What about the mission we just had?"

"I'll send Karl, Quackity and Bad. They've been itching to get out anyway. How bad were Tommy's wounds?"

"He lost quite a bit of blood but he should be bandaged up by now. The cut wasn't that deep but it was probably the adrenaline leaving his body and making him feel tired." Techno said looking down the hall. Phil nodded.

"Alright. Until then you two can go home and I'll bring Tommy home." The two nodded and walked down the hall. They both looked into Tommy's room and saw him smiling and eating a chocolate chip cookie.

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