Chapter 14

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- Los Angeles -

"What do you mean? That's not possible!" Amelia stared at Grayson, who was sitting on the edge of her bed. "Where did you get that from?"

He shrugged. "Clary just called. She said there had been talk about Shadowhunters entering Faerie without permission. She says some fairies must have seen you and reported it to the Seelie Queen."

Amelia bit her lip, lifted her hand and rubbed her forehead. "How much do they know? Do they know it's us?"

"I don't know," Grayson interrupted her. "I just told you everything I know."

Amelia crossed her arms in front of her chest and started pacing up and down in front of her bed. That was the worst case ever. If there was one thing that never should have happened - this was it. The fact that the fairies knew about their trips to Faerie, that they even might know anything, could put the whole plan in danger. Even thinking about that made Amelia feel sick.

Grayson observed her intently, before he said, "You're not gonna stop, are you?"

"Course not!" Amelia shook her head. "As long as they just think there's someone entering Faerie, as long as they don't have any proof that someone actually does and that that someone is us -"

"Amy," Grayson said and she looked at him. "What?"

"I know you don't want to hear it, but this is turning into complete madness." Grayson grimaced. "You're obsessed with that plan. You are not thinking straight."

Amelia stopped in front of her brother and he sighed. "I'm not stupid, okay? I know that I can't stop you from doing that. I can't stop you from risking your life for Mark. But you have to know that it's not only your life you're risking."

His words made Amelia shiver. Of course, she knew that he was right, but until now she had forced herself not to think about that. But now that Grayson had spoken the words aloud, they hung between them like the sword of the Angel, ready to crash down and destroy everything in its way.

Amelia sighed. Her head was aching from too little sleep and her mind was swirling from all the latest information. "Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. We'll have a meeting - Emma, Jules, Clary, Jace, you and I. We will talk about it and if all of you agree that it's too dangerous I will accept the decision."

Grayson stared at her in complete disbelief and Amelia said, "What? Is it that weird that I am able to come to a reasonable decision?"

"To be honest - yeah." Grayson raised his eyebrows. "I mean, I was prepared to talk you out of whatever you wanted to do. I've prepared a speech, starting with appealing to your sense of responsibility and ending with a threat to inform Dad about what you're doing." His voice got dramatic. "I was prepared for everything - but not for that! I'm - I'm shocked."

"Stop it," Amelia interrupted him. "Otherwise I will rethink my decision."

Grayson grinned and she bit her lip. "There's a catch."

"By the Angel! I knew it!" Grayson rolled his eyes and Amelia said hastily, "It's not that bad, Grays. Trust me."

"What is it?" Grayson demanded to know, but she shook her head. "I'm telling you when the others are here. Tell them we'll meet in the library as soon as Clary and Jace can make it."

He stood up and went to the door. There he stopped, turned around and looked at Amelia. "Go to bed, little sis. You look tired." With that, he left her room.

Amelia sank to her bed, took a deep breath and tried to sort her thoughts. She had been lying to her brother about the catch. Of course, there would be one - for she would never accept the decision not to look for Mark anymore - but she had no idea what it would be.

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