Chapter 8

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- Los Angeles, 2007 -

"Are you still sure you wanna do this?" Grayson examined Amelia, who was standing in front of him, dressed in her gear. She was wearing black leather trousers and heavy boots, her daggers were hanging from her belt and she had Mark's katana strapped on her back. Besides that, she wore a dark blue T-shirt, which belonged to Mark too. Amelia's hair was plaited in one thick braid, which was falling over her shoulder.

For the first time Grayson had the feeling that he was looking at a true Shadowhunter. His little sister was about to travel to a place none of them had been before, not knowing what would be waiting there for her. That thought made him shiver. He was not sure whether he should be proud of her or afraid she might get hurt. Grayson took a deep breath. Even if he did not like it, he had to accept that Amy was almost grown up and that he could no longer protect her. He had to let go.

Amelia seemed to be nervous too. Again and again, she was checking her gear, making sure her weapons, the witchlight and the Stele were where they belonged.

Grayson raised his eyebrows. "I could still come with you, you know."

Amelia smiled and shook her head. "I'll be fine. You better take care that my alibi is watertight and that no one wonders where I am."

He smiled too, but got serious again. "Are you scared?"

Amelia's smile vanished too. "Yes."

"Good." Grayson shrugged. "Fear makes you careful. It stops you from doing something stupid. I mean something more stupid than what you are already doing." He crossed his arms in front of his chest and murmured, "Maybe I should go with you. Maybe I could be useful there. Maybe -"

"Grayson," Amelia said softly. "Don't make this harder than it already is, okay? Believe me, I would take you with me, I would love to. However, the bigger the group is the more likely we are to get caught. And that I will not risk."

"I know," Grayson said hastily. "I know you're right. It's just not easy to admit that my little sister is right."

"Because the only thing bigger than your heart is your ego," Amelia said with a grin on her face. She had just finished the sentence, when Grayson pulled her close and grabbed her in a headlock.

Amelia laughed quietly and freed herself from his grip. "Stop it! What might Clary and Jace think, when they see me like that?"

"That you are not as strong as you claim to be," Grayson said and she stuck her tongue out at him. "Shut up!"

Just when Grayson was about to say something, the portal opened and Clary and Jace appeared like out of nowhere. Grayson put his hands on his hips and looked at Clary. "Seriously - you have to teach me how to do that!"

She grinned. "Maybe when this is over." She looked at Amelia. "Are you ready?"

Amelia took a deep breath and nodded. "I guess so." She looked at Grayson. "If you don't hear anything until tomorrow morning, you can ring the alarm."

Grayson hesitated, before he pulled his sister into an embrace. "Take good care of yourself."

"I will," Amelia whispered. She pressed her body against his, and then turned around and went to Clary, who was beginning to open another portal.

Jace stepped beside Grayson and said quietly, "We'll take care of her. I promise."

Grayson nodded and murmured, "She thinks she's strong, but she isn't. I mean, she is brave and a very good fighter, but ... She is so tiny and breakable. And she has never been in a battle before. She -"

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