Chapter Three / Um, I gotta go...

Start from the beginning

Wierd. Was it the hologram?

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In math after lunch Kerri sat, drawing all over her homework page.

"Ah-HM" Kerri looked up to see Professor Summers looking down at her with crossed arms. "So, Kerri, I presume this is the real you."

"Yes." she looked up at him blank faced.

"I'm disappointed that your attitude toward doing homework hasn't changed as well."

She continued to stare at him blank faced.

"You should be doing homework, not drawing. Please try to remember this in the future."

Kerri just looked at him until he walked away, looking agitated. 'Too bad I don't have a mp3 or ipod to drown out the dull.'

After classes that day she hid out in the library and went to the gym, as was going to more or less become her routine.

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"Seriously, Kurt, she's going to get a hole in her head if you keep staring at her like that." Kitty told him after she had gotten his attention by once again almost poking him in the eye so slowly it had taken about five minutes to get her finger that close.

"I don't know vat you're talking about. I'm just eating lunch."

"Kurt, you've been sitting there, biting your fork for the last fifteen minutes."

"I have?" Kurt looked at his fork. Definatly chew marks in it.

Kitty took pity on her friend, "Kurt, you've been staring at her for, like, two weeks. Why don't you just ask her to come over here."

"No, she, uh, still looks shy..." Kurt defended.

"Are you sure you're not the one who's shy?"

"Why don't you go sit by her, then." Piotr put in one of his too logical and right to argue with points.

"Uh, vell, I guess I didn't zhink of zhat." Kurt admitted and looked down at his food trying and failing to hide the blush that came at the thought of sitting by her. Why should HE be able to sit by HER? He'd noticed a couple of other guys looking at her, better looking than him. Normal looking.

Piotr warned, "If you don't take the chance first, someone else will." and went back to quietly eating his lunch.

"Pfff..." Kurt tried to make an uncaring as if noise, but was nervous at this thought. Someone else could take that seat, and be there before him. He was just too nervous to go sit down. Ridiculous.

"Ow!" Kitty cried as Kurt inadvertently hit her with his thrashing tail, "Calm down Kurt, just go over there!"

"I'm sorry Kitty, I didn't mean to hit you," He apologized remorsefully.

"I know Kurt, just go over there and sit down so you're tail can stop being a deadly weapon at my leg!"

"I, I don't know...."

"This is ridiculous, Piotr, will you go sit by her and show him how easy it is, please?" Piotr got up with his lunch tray and walked over to Kerri.

"Watch this, Kurt." Kitty leaned to him and half whispered.

Kerri was aware someone was walking right at her. A large someone at that. She tried to avoid looking or staring.

Fuzzy Images, a Nightcrawler fanficWhere stories live. Discover now