Urania: 1st Letter

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29 October 1870
Paris, France

Dearest friend,

Today proved to be the most dreadful day in Paris. The current possessor of my charge, Elloise Chapdelaine, passed away in Le Bourget after she was shot in the stomach by a Prussian soldier while she was trying to save her brother. At just 19 years of age, I had hoped she would survive the war to continue singing for the aristocracy. Despite how things ended for her, I am at least glad that the last time she sang was to rally and motivate the people surrounding her.

I must admit, Elloise was a surprise to me. More often than not, the people that are entrusted to me are beautiful in ways that are more physical than melodic, and yet, when she sang, the world slowed down to listen. With her songs, she can control her audience's emotions, from joy to despair, hope to triumph, and misery to pleasure. Even her voice as she spoke normally sounded like she was Aoide in human form. Truly, she was blessed by Apollo.

Elloise sang as soon as she was able to speak. Her mother sang lullabies for her, and when she grew a little older, she sang the same songs to her little brothers and sisters. Le Bourget enjoyed her regular performances in the little town square while her father sold shoes for a living nearby. And as early as 12 years of age, she knew that her purpose in life was to be the best singer the world has ever seen---or heard. At only 17 years old she was already performing for Emperor Napoleon III at the Palais Garnier in Paris.
If only she had more time, I would not be surprised if she had married one of the many wealthy and noble men that admired her. If only she had more time, her dreams of performing around the world could have come true.

War has always been ugly. It destroys so many gorgeous things in life, but it also creates an opportunity for some to prosper. In the years that Elloise spent in Paris entertaining the high society of France, she was surrounded by many beautiful and talented people. I expected her to meet the heir of my charge at one of the many balls she attended there, yet it took a war for her to discover the person most beautiful to her. It is most curious to me to watch a woman gifted by the gods with a voice that can make people fall to their knees, find a devoted nurse, the most wonderful person she has ever met. People never fail to amaze me with what they perceive to be the highest form of beauty.

Before I attend to the new possessor of my charge, may the world remember Elloise Chapdelaine, songstress to the Emperor. Her songs will echo much louder than the canons of war. Her voice will reverberate in the Elysian Fields. Her soul will live on.

Best wishes,
Urania Eumachius

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