Chapter 18: Kamino Aftermath

Start from the beginning

None of the 3 men has an answer for that. They wonder how strong was he before he was scarred and deformed? Were it not for his condition, he would have ended the fight with All for One WAY earlier.

Yagi: I don't even want to know.

Naomasa: I can't even imagine how powerful he could have been without the suit.

A thought is born inside Gran Torino's mind.

Gran Torino: Pardon me, but you said how his robot mentioned a planet called 'Mustafar'. Is there something I am missing?

Naomasa and Yagi look at each other. They forgot that Gran Torino was never present at the meeting when they were negotiating with Vader a while back.

Naomasa: You're gonna want to sit down for this.

Naomasa begins to explain everything to Gran Torino from what he learned from Vader. He explains how Vader is from the dessert planet of Tatooine, how he was a Jedi and a Sith and what they are, his lightsaber and the kyber crystal he showed them, and the force and how it works.

Gran Torino: Let me get this straight. You mean to tell me that this whole time, Vader is an alien that has been living among us, a red crystal that powers his weapon, a power that is everywhere that these 'Jedi' and 'Sith' can use and it's not a quirk?!?!

At UA school grounds

We find Principal Nezu at his office on his laptop going through the footage of the Kamino incident. Witnessing how Vader used the force against All for One. What caught his attention the most was the red force lightning that he used to kill All for One, frying him to ashes.

He personally visited Vader to check up on him and was shocked to see him without the suit. He was aware how Vader was wounded in the past, but he never expected it to be that bad. He pauses the video as he hears a knock from his door.

Nezu: Come in!

The door opens to reveal Vader's protocol droid stepping in his office.

Protocol droid: Greetings, Principal Nezu! I have good news and bad news about my master.

Nezu: What are the good news?

Protocol droid: The good news is that he has recovered from his injuries he received from Kamino. He is still unconscious but he will wake up soon.

Nezu: That is good to here. What about the bad news?

Protocol droid: The bad news is that we have no materials for Vader's suit or a replacement. We will need to keep him in his bacta tank for now.

Nezu set's his head down to think of any solutions to fix this problem. After giving careful thought, and idea pops in.

Nezu: I got an idea! I have 2 students at this school that can help with that problem.

Protocol droid: May I ask who they are, sir?

Nezu: Momo Yaoyorozu and Mei Hatsume. Yaoyorozu has a quirk that can create any non-living material or object. She needs to understand the molecular structure of what she can create.

Protocol droid: That is marvelous! I can fill her out with the molecular structures for every parts of my Master's suit.

Nezu: Mei Hatsume is a very smart inventor and a genius. Her quirk allows her vision to zoom in on her line of sight, which could help her when she repairs the suit. I have full confidence that she has the capability to do the job.

Protocol droid: Excellent: I will help Yaoyorozu with the molecular structures for the parts. I will help Hatsume by explaining the suit's functions and guide her through, since the suit would be considered alien due to the technology behind it. I will be at my master's personal quarters to prepare everything for them.

Nezu: Very well! I will call them in my office to fill everything out for them and send them off.

Protocol droid: Thank you, Principal Nezu. I will be off now.

And with that, the protocol droid stepped out of the office and headed back to Vader's personal quarters as Nezu called in Momo and Mei. When they arrived at Nezu's office, he explains them that they are needed for repairing Vader's suit. But he doesn't tell them the part how the suit was alien technology, he left that part out for the protocol droid to reveal to them.

Meanwhile at [Redacted]

Darkness. It is all that he could see. He is consumed in a void of pitch black. He cannot feel himself. He doesn't know if the pitch black is due to his eyes closed, or if he really is consumed by a void. He can't even feel the force. It's almost as if the force has been cut off from him.

He begins to think to himself whether or not if he is dead. If he is then will he finally join the afterlife, will he find himself in yet another world that he won't recognize, or if everything he experienced was all just a dream. His train of thoughts are interrupted when he hears a voice.

???: Time, Mr. Skywalker? Is it really that time again?

 Skywalker? Is it really that time again?

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To be continued...

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