3/Great Misunderstanding

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It's been hours since they came at Bonten's HQ. Before the time hits 7 PM, the Haitani brothers gave their goodbyes to the members there.

"I'll go grab the car. Wait for me here." Ran said as he casually walks to where he parked the car.

"Oh, sure." Rindou responded, nodding his head once.

While waiting for his brother to pick him up, Rindou decided to look for stores that will interest him.

'Dinner.. dinner..'

Rindou could only think of dinner as his stomach was already growling from hunger.. probably because Sanzu didn't allow them to have a snack inside the HQ. (how nice of him, really)

Busy thinking of what to eat for dinner, he soon realizes that he went too far from the pick-up area.

'Ah. I should go back, huh? Ran will just cook some food later.'

Rindou didn't hurry to go back. Instead, he took his time in walking, hoping to see something that is perfect for dinner but what only came across his eyes was a drunk woman fallen on the floor.

People were simply passing by her and they didn't bother to wake her up. Rindou, on the contrary, was making a decision if he will interact with the drunk woman.

'Hold on. Is that woman..? Ugh.' he thought as his eyes finally focuses on the appearance of the woman.

Rindou sighed and whispered as he walked up to her, "Why am I doing this? Really."

'Wow.. she rottens in beer. What has she been doing?' he complained in his head.


Back at the pick-up area, Rindou went inside the car. Ran didn't thought of contacting his brother as he was patiently waiting for him inside the vehicle.

"Where were you, Rin?" Ran asked.

"Huh? Oh. I was just going inside different stores." Rindou answered.

"By the way, what did you put in the trunk? Did you buy that many?" the older Haitani questioned.

"Uh.. it was nothing. I was checking things. Plus, I saw the lid wasn't closed properly." Rindou (obviously lied) responded, his eyes stuck on the sky.

"Really? Hm.. I didn't notice that. About dinner, I'll just cook some food so you can rest easy." Ran said.

'Talk about being the best brother. Congrats, Ran. You just won an award.' Rindou spoke in his mind while his look formed a tiny smile.


Arriving at the house, Rindou let his older brother to go inside first. He made up an excuse to stay in the car for a while.

He opened the truck quietly and looked at the sleeping drunk woman.

Exhaling a deep breath, Rindou picked her up and made his way inside his room.


Now gently putting down the woman on his bed, Rindou takes a sit on his chair, not facing the woman.

'What am I gonna do now? I should've just told Ran about this.' he thought, now regretting the actions he had done.


The voice of the drunk woman calling his name made Rindou avoid eye contact with her.

"Rindou!" you shouted.

"What?" he asked with a cold tone, not looking at you.

"Did you kidnap me?" you asked.

"Huh?! Of course, no!" he responded in an angry loud voice.

"Is that so? Then that's good." you replied with a soft tone in your voice.

You slowly fall back on the bed, spreading your arms on the cozy sheet.

"Hey, don't get too comfortable with what I own. You have to pay me if you break anything." Rindou said, relaxed on the chair.

You didn't get to hear what he said. Minutes later, you were undressing yourself. First, you took off your shoes, making a noise on the floor.

Rindou didn't mind it.

Next, you slowly unzip your dress on the side and before you could fully unzip it, Rindou immediately stopped your hand.

"Oi. What do you think you're doing?" Rindou said, a bit flustered on your actions.

"It's hot in here so I'm taking off my clothes." you answered, chuckling. (drunk)

"Do you not understand the situation you're in?!" Rindou raised his voice.

"I don't. Could you tell me, Rin~dou?" you responded teasingly with your face all smirky.

Rindou now hot and bothered with you, pulled your arm leading you to become closer to him. His face next to yours.

"Do you not know what I'm capable of? You're really testing me, Y/n." Rindou said, his eyes show anger yet his lips form a smile.

"Oh? Are you making a move on me? 'Cuz I don't feel it." you said, teasing him even more.

Rindou has lost it with all of your cocky responses. He tightens his grip on your wrist.

"That hurts, Rindou.." you said, resisting the pain and still putting up the smirky face.

"Do you want more pain? I can give it to you all you want." Rindou responded, smiling like a devil.

You moved closer and closer slowly to his face and whispered, "Yes. That's right. Let me feel your strength."

Before you could touch his lips, Ran opened the door.

"Rin, dinner's ready!" he said with his eyes closed and a big grin.

The older Haitani soon notices the male and female and he hastily closes the door without processing what he just witnessed.

Rindou had a shocked, embarrassed expression and realized what he was doing. He completely fell for your tricks. It's like you hypnotized him with your sharp eyes.

"Ran! Wait!" the younger Haitani shouted as he distanced himself from you.

Before Rindou left his room, he glared at you. In return, you showed him a smile that is irritating to look at.

End of Chapter 3 ✍️

Fan Behavior | A Haitani Rindou FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora