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Zhongli regrets not thinking about mora sooner. It was foolish to forget about Childe's entire bank account. Thankfully Childe remembered this before it can become a problem - yet another mistake Zhongli has to apologize for.

"Okay, we'll do it like this." Pen in hand, tongue sticking out as he concentrates on the paper, Tartaglia is what Zhongli can only describe as adorable. Perhaps he's biased, but how can he not be, with a partner as wonderful as Tartaglia? "You're getting all of my money, Zhongli."

Huh? "Childe, is that a good idea? Won't it be suspicious if I get all your mora and your family none?"

"Heh! That's where you're wrong." Childe looks so proud of himself - smiling as brightly as the sun. Zhongli is truly blessed to witness this moment. "You see, you're going to be the one that gets the money to my family."

Zhongli blinks. Interesting. "Ah, I suppose if you wrote a will you would not want the Fatui to handle your money. It would make sense if you bring in an outsider."

"Not only that, you're a close friend of mine. All the agents under me know that. They know how often I pay for you, they wouldn't be surprised I trust you with my money."

Yes, the more Zhongli thinks about it the more he likes the plan. He nods in acceptance.

"We'll do it like this - you'll bring in the will that I left you for safekeeping. Of course, they'll check if it's fake - but you're the Ex-Archon of contracts. It's gonna be impossible to figure out I only wrote it now." Childe continues to fine-tune the plan with him.

It's nice to plan together - it's nice to be on the same side. Zhongli hopes it stays like this until the end of time.

"Xiao, you can't keep running from Zhongli's life decisions." This is the first thing Aether says once he spots Xiao on the rooftop.

Xiao's first instinct is to curse and throw Aether off the roof, but he controls himself. "I can." He says instead, "And I will. Watch me hate Childe forever because he's a horrible excuse of a human being and waste of space and just a general annoyance-"

Aether sighs and decides to interrupt him, "You don't even hate him that much." They sit down beside him, their plate of breakfast in hand. "You just hate him on principle."

"Childe is an annoyance and a Fatui." Xiao counters, disliking this conversation already. "I will not approve of him, not even when he draws his final breath."

Aether winces at that and shakes their head. "Xiao, please think of Zhongli. He'll be heartbroken." They place a comforting hand on Xiao's shoulder.

Xiao immediately tenses up. "The chopsticks..." How would Zhongli react, knowing that Xiao would never approve of the person he has apparently married? Zhongli would never say it out loud, but he would be hurt, immensely so.

Logically, Xiao knows he can't keep being against Childe. He knows that.

But hurting Zhongli is something he wants to avoid - especially since it seems so serious that he married the damn guy- wait.


Wait, did they get married without inviting him?

Xiao has Words about that.

Once everything is ready, Zhongli decides to take Aether and Paimon with him. He would need help with carrying the mora back and since Aether is also Childe's friend it shouldn't pose a problem.

The scene he finds on the rooftop is most curious. Paimon is nowhere to be seen - only Aether and Xiao are there, sitting next to each other and speaking in quiet tones.

Xiao doesn't look pleased - but not mad. Well, slightly mad. It doesn't seem to be directed at Aether though. Zhongli wonders what they're talking about, but they're speaking too quietly to make anything out.

Once he steps closer Xiao jumps away from Aether like a frightened cat and shakes off their hand that was resting on his shoulder. Zhongli stifles a chuckle.

"What brings you up here, Zhongli?" Aether greets him with a smile as they get up and dust of their pants. They don't seem upset, it likely wasn't an argument then.

"Tartaglia forged his will and I'm on my way to the Fatui bank to get his mora."

Aether blinks at him for a moment, then shakes their head and sighs. "You really didn't think about all the consequences of your plan, huh."

A slight flush dusts Zhongli's cheeks. He did not. He acted rashly - but how could he not when Childe informed him just days before that he would have to leave for Snezhnaya soon? Zhongli only thought of taking a long vacation - it's fortunate he even thought of that - and then he acted.

A rushed decision, made out of desperation.

"Perhaps." Is all Zhongli says to the matter. "I will apologize to Childe once again when we get back- hm, Xiao, what are you doing?"

Xiao looks livid as he jumps off the roof and lands just a couple of feet in front of Zhongli. Then, his face forming an even stormier expression, he hisses, "Why didn't you tell me you married that- that- Snezhayan!"


"Because I haven't." A short pause for dramatic effect. "Yet, that is."

The relieved expression that formed on Xiao's face is gone in an instant. It's amusing to look at, Zhongli has to admit. "Only when he knows what they mean and he still accepts them, only then will we form the contract."

"...I had a whole rant ready for you not inviting me to the wedding." Xiao grumbles, still looking annoyed but less angry than before. The annoyance bleeds away after a moment, replaced with a serious expression. "You truly like Childe that much?"

"Not like; love." Zhongli corrects. He had never intended to fall in love - not after Guizhong. Her passing had pained him immensely, he could not bear the thought of something similar happening again.

However, Childe wormed his way into Zhongli's heart and stole it without him ever noticing.

Xiao looks at him for a long moment, his face set in a neutral expression. Not even Zhongli can tell what he's thinking.

He knows that Xiao is very aware of how he felt about Guizhong. They never truly talked about it - it is an unspoken agreement to not open that can of worms. It would only hurt them.

Xiao has to know how important that is to Zhongli. "I don't say that lightly, you know that."

After a moment, Xiao sighs. "...I don't like this and you're very aware of this." Zhongli waits. "...but I'm not against it. Not anymore." Xiao looks disgusted with himself but Zhongli couldn't be more proud of him.  "You have my blessing, okay? But don't ask for more."

"Thank you, Xiao. Your acceptance means much to me." Xiao is one of his oldest, closest friends. If he continued being stubborn Zhongli wouldn't have known what to do.

"...I know." Slightly red, Xiao looks away. "So we're clear - I hate him. I would throw him off a mountain. I don't like Childe." Ah, the hard exterior once again. Xiao has an image to maintain after all. "You get my blessing very very reluctantly."

"I won't ask for more." Zhongli is certain Aether had something to do with this, but he won't dig. "Aether, let's be on our way. We'll take Paimon with us as well."

Aether nods in acceptance. "I'll fetch her." They jump off the roof and run in the direction Paimon must have disappeared in.

Only Zhongli and Xiao remain.



"You could have done worse." Xiao mumbles quietly. Zhongli almost didn't catch it.

A small smile grows on Zhongli's face. Upon spotting it, Xiao curses and turns around. "I'll be around the area. Leave me be." Like the wind, Xiao disappears, leaving Zhongli alone until Aether comes back.

The three of them make their way to Liyue harbor, never once noticing that Zhongli never once closed the front door.

It closes silently; like it was never open in the first place

Xiao hunts Childe for sportWhere stories live. Discover now