I'm sorry

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I just can't keep writing this fic anymore. It's just too bad.

So, here's a taster for what you should expect of me in the coming weeks.

Unknown POV

I had been ordered by the school to accompany the student while he was being interviewed by the detective.

When I walked into the hospital, however, I saw the face of a man who I never thought I'd see again.

He was white, and had long, unkempt hair. He was lean, and yet I knew he had a toned muscular figure underneath the clothes he was wearing. I noticed he had a police badge at his belt.

No. I refused to believe that Akito had stopped working for Ayanokouji-sensei.

And if he was still working for Ayanokouji-sensei, then that meant...

I followed him, until we came to the hallway where Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's recovery room was located.

Ayanokouji came out of the room in a nurse's uniform. Luckily, since his face was covered, Akito and his helper didn't recognise him, but I wager that he wouldn't have long before they went after him.

I hurriedly took out a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote down the address of a certain person of interest to Ayanokouji. I then followed him to the car park.

When I got there however, Akito was already there.

I gave Kiyotaka the paper, and fought off Akito to give him time to escape, and then I ran off myself.

I was brave, but I wasn't brave enough to fight Akito to the death.

I just hope that that woman recognises Ayanokouji for who he is.

Yeah, I'm writing "Starting in Class C: not completely defective" again.

I'm sorry for abandoning this fic, but it's just soo bad, I can't write it any more.

"Arc 5 chapter 2: the beginning of it" has already been published, and I think it's fairly OK. Better than the last chapter of this fic (boobie play)

I hope you'll check it out. 🙏.

I hope I don't forget about "cote: zero" forever.

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji KiyoneWhere stories live. Discover now