Arc 3 chapter 1: A redheaded annoyance

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The endless summer sea. The infinite blue skies. The perfectly clear air. Here, in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, we didn't feel the intense midsummer heat, and the gentle sea breeze kissed our bodies. Yes, this really was an oceanic paradise.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Exclaimed Ichinose, while she tucked her strawberry pink hair behind her ear.

"This view is incredible! I'm honestly super moved right now!"

A group of girls led by Karuizawa Kei of class D came out from the ship's cabin. Karuizawa pointed out to the expansive ocean, wearing a radiant smile.

"Seriously, the scenery here is just amazing!"

Kushida Kikyou, an old plaything of mine, was also present among the group of class D girls. It looked like the extraordinary view had stolen her breath away.

After overcoming numerous hardships, midterms, and the final exam, we had welcomed summer vacation with open arms. The Advanced Nurturing High School had arranged for an extravagant two-week trip—a cruise on a luxury liner.

This was certainly no ordinary trip. At our government-sponsored school, there was absolutely no need for us to pay for tuition or other miscellaneous expenses—which, of course, included this trip. We received the best of special treatment. The cruise liner and its facilities were of the highest possible quality. This ship was fully equipped with everything from prestigious restaurants to a theatre, and even an upscale spa. On my own, this would probably have cost me about 100,000 yen, even in the off season.

Our trip, which promised the pinnacle of luxury, had finally started today. According to the schedule, we would spend our first week staying at a fancy summer lodge on a deserted island. After that, we would enjoy the cruise ship for another week.

At 05:00 today, the first-year students had boarded buses and departed for Tokyo Bay. The passenger ships departed from the port once the students arrived. After eating breakfast in the lounge, students were permitted to move freely throughout the entire vessel. Best of all, we were able to use any of the ship's facilities free of charge. For any who'd suffered daily due to a lack of points, this ship was heaven-sent.

Suddenly, Kushida turned towards me. I could tell that something was on her mind. With the vast ocean and the endless blue sky behind her, Kushida looked even more radiant than usual. Even though I didn't want it to, my heart started to pound. Could it be...? Did she want me back?

She looked as though she was about to say something, and then shut her mouth, and continued to look out at the blue ocean.

Outcome not so good :/

"Attention, students. Please assemble on the deck. You will be able to see the island soon. This is a good time to take in some rather significant scenery."

This rather strange announcement issued from the ship's PA. Kushida and the others didn't seem to mind, looking forward to what was to come. The island appeared on the horizon a few minutes after several students had gathered.

Significant meant important, and at this school, every word that was said by the faculty meant something. As soon as the island came into view, I looked as hard as I could to find anything out of the ordinary.

Other students noticed, and began assembling on the deck, too.

"Huh? Ayanokouji-san, are you looking for something on the island?" Ichinose asked.

Ahh, Ichinose. We weren't an official couple, or an unofficial couple really, but we had had sex once before. After that, she had kept her distance from me a little.

"I'm trying to take in the 'significant scenery'. You should do the same," I said.

"Hm, I suppose you're right. If the school says to do something, it's probably in your best interest to do it." She also started looking at the island.

I could see a cave entrance in the mountainside, and a tower atop the mountain. I could see a small yellow patch, which must have been some kind of crop field, and a small hut by the waters edge.

I was distracted by some sort of commotion on the deck below me. Something about first names. I would have not taken interest in the conversation, until I heard this:

"First names, huh? Hey, speaking of, I wonder what Ayanokouji's first name is? Huh?" Sudou asked his friends.

"Ayanokouji? I think it's something like Kimiko? Yeah, Kimoko."

"Kimiko, huh? That's a cute name. Just like I'd expect. It feels perfect for her."

Eek, creepy.

"Oh, sorry, I was wrong. It's Kiyone."

"Hey, don't make mistakes like that! Kiyone, huh? It feels like Kimiko, but it's 100 times better."

In the end, even if my first name was Kaori or Kichi or whatever, he probably would have felt it was perfect.

"I'm going to call her by her first name during our summer vacation, too. Kiyone. Kiyone..."


Well, it seemed the boys wanted to bridge the gap between themselves and the girls. It should be noted that no one called me by my first name, and I didn't call them by theirs, except in...certain situations.

"Oh, hey. Let me practice with you, Kanji. Practice saying Kiyone's name, I mean."

"Practice? What do you mean, practice? That's not a normal thing to do."

It was pointless to practice saying someone's name unless you were saying it to the person in question. Sudou glared at Ike intently. He wasn't planning to make Ike his imaginary Kiyone, was he? It was probably because he was imagining him as someone of the opposite sex, but the look in his eyes really creeped me out. In my mind, I started breathing heavily.

"Hey, Ayanokouji, do you have a minute? There's something I wanted to talk to you about..." Sudou murmured.

"I'm not Ayanokouji." Ike said.

"You freakin' moron! It's practice! I don't want to do it, either, but I got to practice, you know? It's like I have to practice basketball if I want to get good. In either case, I need to take my shot."

I really didn't want to listen to this, but I also did at the same time. It was both cringe and funny, too.

"Ayanokouji. Isn't it weird that we talk to each other like we're strangers? We've known each other for a while now. Other people are calling each other by their first names. Isn't it time we did, too?"


I wanted to punch Sudou in the face, but that would ruin the fun.

"Say something! Why aren't you practicing?!"

"What do you want me to say?!"

"Let ME take the reigns here, Kanji."

The black haired boy...I still can't remember his name, jumped in to substitute for Ike instead. Sudou seemed kind of weird when he started talking.

" it okay for me to call you by your first name now?"

"Huh? Well, you're not exactly a hottie, are you, Sudou-kun? And you don't seem to have any money, so, like, you're not my type at all, are you? Or it's, like, sorry, sorry, but not thanks, you know?!"

Despite looking nothing like one, Forgotten-kun was trying to play the part of a gyaru high school girl. Sudou put him in a choke hold until he writhed in agony on the deck. Those guys always seemed so energetic. I felt exhausted just looking at them. Still, they did look pretty funny.

I suppose I would have to shoot Sudou down. How sad.

Authors notes
1260 words
A longer chapter this time.
Pretty much copied from the ln.
I just scored a few free chapters of chainsaw man. I can't wait to start reading it! 😁.
Sudou thirsting for the Hornykouji.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji KiyoneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt