Chapter One Hundred Six

Começar do início

"Thank you."

Both Arrow and I look confused and we share a look before he asks, "For what?"

"For watching out for us last night. You didn't have to take the time to do that, but you did. So, thank you. It helped to know you and Eli had my back. I know you guys weren't there the first time, but it helped to know you were both there last night."

I see the guilt flash in his eyes. No one else would probably notice it, but I've known him a long time and we've been through some serious stuff together. I shake my head slightly, giving him a silent message so Dani doesn't notice. He gets the message and he smiles at her before saying, "You're welcome girlie. Ramirez? You working late tonight? Ash said he was working after hours."

"Yeah, we're checking something out for the Cap. Why?"

"Just wondering if you want me to see Dani gets home safely."

I hear the breath catch in Dani's throat but I don't know if that's fear or shock that he'd offer. She backs up slightly, but she misjudges the space between us and her back hits my chest. She shoots forward again and I can see her trembling. It seems her senses are on overload after last night and she's not quite able to process everything.

I speak in Russian, quickly trying to reassure her. She takes some deep, steadying breaths and I reach for her hand to comfort her. At first she hesitates, but then she accepts my hand and relaxes slightly at the gesture. She does eye the two of us carefully, like she's trying to figure something out. I can see the wheels turning through her eyes, but she doesn't ask about it. Either she's wary of asking in front of Arrow, or she's trying to figure it out on her own. For her sake, I hope she doesn't find out where Ash and I are going tonight. She'll be worried about us and what the backlash will be from our visit.

I can see Arrow watching us closely from the corner of my eye, but I have to ignore him for a minute and deal with Dani first. I continue to speak to her in Russian, so he can't understand us.

"Baby? Are you ok with Arrow taking you to see Sam? He doesn't have to go in with you or anything. But, I do trust him with your life and I know he won't let anything happen to you. I know he won't hurt you and he would die protecting you. If you don't want him to take you, then we can reschedule. What do you think?"

She tosses it up for a few minutes and then whispers, "Ok, but I'm not sitting in the front seat."

I smile, only Dani would think of something like that.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. He'll take care of you, I swear."

"I know."

I shoot her a grin and then turn to Arrow, "Dani has an appointment at 7. Would you mind taking her and then dropping her back at my folk's house?"

"Of course not. Just let me know where we're going and I'll make sure she gets there safely."

"Thanks man. I'll fill you in later. We better go see the Cap."

As soon as Arrow steps onto our floor, Ash spots him and throws himself on Arrow's back. He always does the same thing; the guy is a little south of sane.

I find the Cap to get filled in on what the day is set out like and then Arrow corners me in the rec room.

"She doesn't know I was there that day?"

"No, and it's going to stay that way. I don't want to put a strain on whatever friendship you guys are building. For some reason she likes you and trusts you to some degree. I don't know what you said or did when you met her, but she believes you're a good guy. I don't need to ask what you said, that's between the two of you, but thank you for putting her mind at ease. Please don't give her a reason to doubt the trust she has put in you."

Tough LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora