Chapter 2

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Janella's POV


I said that while covering my face. Then it was going near me. "MARLO! SAVE MEEEEEE!" After I said those words, I heard a chuckle then I was like. What the... When I open my eyes I saw Kathy, Lia and Liz looking at me while laughing at me then I am just like I HATE YOUUU!

They know my face if I do that. "Woah woah! Chill girl!" Lia said while going near to me. "We didn't hear anything JanJan but we are so keleg! Right now...." Liz said while goving me a side hug. "Yeah, how were you? I've heard that you've fainted." Kathy said while sitting in front of me. "Well... blah blah blah." I said while telling them the whole story. They were all like smiles when I ended the story. "Guys?" I said while waving my hand in front of their faces. "Guuuuyyyss??" I said then I snapped my fingers, then they were alive!

"Oh sorry JanJan we just very interested in your story." Kathy said while putting her hands in her lap. Then Liz and Lia followed. "JANELLA I'M HER-- Wow how did you guys get in here?" Marlo then burst in here the room. "Well we just got curious of JanJan, so we saw you in the Nurse's Room and we banged the door. Then the door just opened. End of story." Liz said in a serious voice. "Ok? Ummm Janella eto oh. Snacks mo, sorry if I took long." He said while giving my food. "Wait... Tagalog ka rin?" Kathy, Liz and Lia said in unison. Then Marlo just nodded and smiled. "PHEW! Akala ko na englishero ka." Lia said while doing soemthing with her hands like removing a sweat in her forehead. I don't really know what are they saying. Oh well I'll just pass this POV to Kathy who is going to the Comfort Room.


Kathy's POV

HELLO PO! Ako po si Kathy! Kathryn Hazel Cruz in the HAUS! Whoop whoop! Well I'm so weird. I'm not actually going to the Comfort Room I'm just going to the Pet Area where dogs and cats are there. When I reached there I saw Snow. My dog!

Then I saw this guy giving her a pet. "Umm excuse me, are you new? I've seen you in the C Section?" I said to the guy from C Seection. "Oo doon po ako sa C Section ng building na ito." He said while patting the dogs head

"Tagalog ka rin!?" I said that in excitement! "SHHH SPEAK ENGLISH PLEASE MS. CRUZ AND MR. PADILLA!" Oh no caught by Sir Evil well he is the principle of the school. "Yes sir." We both said. Then Sir Evil left and me and the dude were all alone with Snow my dog :3.

"Ummm Daniel Padilla. Call me Dj." He said while giving me a hand to shake. "Kathryn Hazel Cruz call me Kathy." I said then accepted his shake. So we smiled then he was doing something like standing up and do what Prince's do to lead teh lady to the ball. "Shall we?" He said while I was like What the Heck? "Shall we what?" I said while hugging Snow in my arms. "Ummm walk that's it around the Pet Area." Then I nodded and we are like chatting our likes and dislikes. Then butterflies appeared in my stomach, my mind blank and my heart beating fast. "Hehe. I can feel your heart pumping Kathy." Then I was like Oh No. "No its fine Kathy. I can just do this." Then he put his arm in my shoulder just like couples do. 'Are you killing me Dj' I said that. "Heheh, I'm not killing you. I'm just happy to be with you." Wait what?????? Did he heard what is in my mind? "No girl, its just that you bite your lips and your facial expression." So I just said Ahh then I just smile it out. And then after that we are like having a little of silence, then I heard a stomp coming so I stopped. "Why did you stop? Kathy?" He said then I pointed a girl who is looking mad.

"What are you doing with my Boyfriend. Slut!" She said while pushing me and Snow away from Dj. "I was just-" My sentence was cut by Dj. "She didn't do anything to you Michelle. And she is not a slut Michelle" Yes his Girlfriend is Michelle. He said that he met her when he started schooling here which means he schooled here for 1 year. He also saw me performing and supporting the club 'Share Luv 4 Petz!' And he said that he joined that club. So back to Michelle, so he said that he is the Boyfriend of Michelle but they haven't dated for One year. He asks her out once but she said that she was busy.

"WHY WERE YOU SO SWEET TO HER AND NOT TO ME?!" Michelle said while giving me a death glare and pointing at me. "We are just friends Michelle! WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING! SHE EVEN KNOWS THAT WE ARE TOGETHER!" He said that while leaving her, me and Snow. Michelle then went up to me and said. "Watch out... if you touch again my Boyfriend! You are gonna pay." She said that while giving me a spank at the last of her sentence and kicking Snow out of her way. Then run to him.

Then suddenly my girls came. Saying are you ok with Marlo. Then I said "Yeah I'm fine." Then they asked what happen then I told them the whole story. And they were all smiles. Then I'm just like whatever. So I just put Snow in the Pet Area, then went back to my class.

End of Chapter 2

Note: I'm so so so sorry guys if there is KathNiel and less MarNella. I promise that there will be in the next chapter. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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