Chapter 1

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Janella's POV

Hello. JANELLA HERE! Welcome to my cute and colorful world! Well not that colorful I am just a normal nerdy girl. Yes you've heard it I am a nerd. I am not all those nerds who are smart and poor. I am actually a rich nerd person.

My parents are hollywood stars and they send me here in the Philippines to let me be safe from paparazzis. So they care for me a lot they also send me gifts like dresses, watches, accessories and make up but I don't use them. I am so sorry Dad and Mom.

Then I schooled in Maria Christian Academy where I am mostly a quiet pupil but I have one of my BESTEST of FRIENDZ. We are called the BFFZZZZ. OOOPPS, I forgot something. The group members are all popular and I'm the nerdy gal. They call me JanJan in the group. One of the popular girls are Liza Samantha Dabiri we call her Liz or Sam she is the most talented in the group she can dance, sing and act. Then Kathryn Hazel Cruz, we call her Kathy the nature lover she loves animals, trees and nature. And lastly Julia Patricia Sabandal, we call her Lia the most beautiful gal in school she mostly go to pageants and she won a lot of awards. So we are very close even though we are in different section because A section is the section where the 93% - up can stay, B is where the 91% - 92% can stay, C is where 89% - 90% can stay and lastly D that's where almost 110 students and their average is down - 88%. So I stayed in the A section while Liz, Kathy and Lia stayed in section B.

I am so alone I am the only one who is in section A and Liz, Kathy and Lia are 5 including them. Then my adviser came and she opened the door with a smile on her face. Then she said "Goodmorning, Ms. Wang!" Then I stood up and said "Goodmorning Ms. Reyes" she said "Dear just sit down when you say 'goodmorning' ok?" She said WOOOHHOOO I CAN JUST SIT IN THIS CHAIR AS LONG AS I WANT!

Then Miss Reyes discuss discuss discuss. Then there was a knock on the door. "Umm excuse me is this section A?" Then a guy hid in the door. Miss said yes then he came in and I was like Oh My G.

When I saw the guy... I am like in heaven. Like in Jolina's song, HEAVEN NA SA HEAVEN AKOOOO! Then I saw just putch black and I realized I fainted

*After 50 minutes*

"Ugh Ugh..." I said those while rubbing my head then I saw Miss Reyes and the guy in front of me. When I see them clearly. "Ummm Miss, why am I here?" I said to Miss while facing her. "BUHAY KA! BUHAY PA KA! Nak sure ka ba?" Miss said. Wait BTW, Miss is my guardian and my parents told me that she will take care of me.

"Miss, yeah I'm fine." I said. "Naku naku, mabuti anak. Good thing si Marlo nandito. Kapag hindi. Grabeh! Mamatay ka!" She said and I am like OhMyG he saved and keleg. Is that right guys? "Miss stop being so weird in front of that guy." I said while giving her the direction to that guy. So I just missed a class well actually Miss' class so the class of Miss is canceled because I fainted. Well actually me and Mar--. Mark? No no. Marlo? Yeah! Yeah! Marlo. So our class in the morning will be all canceled.

So Miss went out to go to her next class. While Miss left me and Marlo inside the Nurse's Room. So it was akward. "Hi." We both said to break the silence. Then he said "Marlo" while giving me a shake then I said "Janella". Then we tell each other about our likes and dislikes. Then we just talked and laughed. "Ummm Janella, bibili lang ako ng snacks para sa atin." Then I said ok then he left in a smile in his face. While he was gone I was like doing a pose in the wall. While I am in the wall like my left hand was like up and the other was like down. Then someone banged the door open and I am like....


End of Chapter 1 💋

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