7. Hope Destroyed

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 Malka thinks that Rocket might be getting annoyed with her questions about his ship. Carol may find them endearing, but Rocket keeps glaring at her but nonetheless answering in his own way. In other words, calling her an idiot.

As the group flies out into space, Malka cranes her neck to look out at the stars. She always imagined that one day a star might fall and destroy everything around her, might lead her away into the light before death could claim her. She knew stars could not fall, that they are simply balls of gas. She tried to make one once and only succeeded in blowing up the lab.

"Ok," Rocket turns around in his seat as the pilot. "Who here hasn't been to space?" She raises her hand along with Steve, Natasha, and Rhodes. Carol chuckles as Rocket says, "You better not throw up on my ship."

"Don't worry," Malka mutters. "I have a strong stomach."

"Approaching jump in three," Nebula calls out. Malka sees Natasha's grip tighten. "Two, one."

The ship jolts forward as colors explode in front of them. Malka lets out a breathy laugh as she watches the reds and blues dissolve into light in front of her, as stars pass in a blur of magic.

When the ship comes to a stop, a smile—the first smile since that day—spreads on Malka's lips. Carol flies out of the ship, but Malka can only really focus on being in space, no longer tied to the confines of Earth.

"I'll head down for recon," Carol says before flying down to the planet's surface.

As Malka closes her eyes, she feels a sense of peace wash over her. For once, there is nothingness. She does not feel the oxygen constantly converting to carbon dioxide or the ever-present feeling that someone is coming to get her. There is just nothingness. Everlasting peace lies in the absence, taunting her.

"No satellites, no ships, no armies," Carol says. Malka opens her eyes to see the woman outside the ship once more. "No ground defenses of any kind. It's just him."

"And that's enough," Nebula replies.

They remain silent as they land. Malka inhales the alien air with a small frown. Despite being so far away, the atmosphere is the same: carbon-based with copious amounts of oxygen and nitrogen. She thought Thanos would have picked somewhere more difficult to breathe.

The plan is set, and Malka approaches the small hut surrounded by vegetation along with Banner in his suit, Rhodes as War Machine, and Thor with his weapon. Carol attacks first, then Banner and Rhodes.

Malka steps into the hut, removing any air Thanos might take for granted. Something dark stirs in her soul as he chokes, Carol unaffected and the ironman suits now upgraded to provide air. To see the man who succeeded in taking away everything on his knees, begging for something only she can provide...it reminds her of how she begged for mercy, for her family's lives, and was denied.

Her superiors made a monster capable of inhalation, but Malka fought back. She fought against her power with the Avengers, pushing it down as if it did not exist. She fought it with her partner, preferring close combat to large-scale destruction. But now? Now, Thanos has brought the monster out.

He wanted a fight? She'll win. He wanted to take what she loved? She'll take more.

Thor slams into the hut and slices his ax through Thanos' wrist, the charred gauntlet rolling to the side as Thanos shouts in pain. Malka drops her hand to allow air back into the area, letting Thanos breathe by her mercy.

The rest of their group walks into the hut as Malka moves aside, standing beside Thor. She notices as he shifts in front of her. They had never been close, not like she is with Natasha or Steve, but they hold a mutual respect.

"Where are they?" Steve asks.

Malka's gut drops when she sees the empty gauntlet on the ground.

"Answer the question," Carol snaps, tightening her grip around Thanos' neck. Malka snaps her garrote as a silent threat.

"The universe required correction," Thanos pants. "After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation."

Banner slams his fists into Thanos' chest, sending him back. "You murdered trillions!"

"You should be grateful."

Banner punches Thanos down.

"Where are the stones?" Natasha asks once more, the flames igniting her eyes.

"Gone. Reduced to atoms."

Malka's eyes fall closed. Matter cannot be destroyed or created, just changed. Without those stones, there is no way to change that matter back into the people they once were.

"You used the stones two days ago!" Banner shouts.

"I used the stones to destroy the stones," Thanos replies. "It nearly killed me, but the work is done. It always will be. I am inevitable."

Malka slowly wraps her hand around Thor's wrist. She meets his tear-filled gaze and clenches her jaw. Don't, she thinks. I know it hurts, but not yet. We'll find another way. Together.

"We have to tear this place apart," Rhodes says desperately. "He has to be lying!"

"My father is many things," Nebular replies. "A liar is not one of them."

Thanos smiles when he looks up at her. "Thank you, daughter. Perhaps, I've treated you—"

Malka's had enough. This alien does not get to make amends. He does not get to twist his intentions in the name of justice when all he has done is make her relive death again and again. She lived through a genocide before. She has lived through another one. The alien responsible does not get peace of mind, not after all that.

Thanos begins choking, grasping at his throat with his remaining hand. Puffs of smoke—of air—rise from his throat as Malka narrows her eyes, willing the air he stole back into the atmosphere. It's the least he can do.

Thor's ax swings across Thanos' neck. The head rolls on the ground much like the gauntlet. The body drops with a thud as Thor straightens his back.

"What did you do?" Rocket asks, his voice smaller than Malka's heard before.

Thor does not turn to them. "I went for the head."

✗ ✗ ✗

Poor Malka. It can only get better, right?

Hope you enjoyed!


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