2. Battle for Kingdom

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 Malka does not understand how things changed so quickly. One minute, she was in her lab, the next she was told to evacuate to her home until further notice. Within the hour, Okoye and a few of her warriors had transported Bucky's chamber into her small hut and told her to remain there.

She had listened, obviously. Without hesitation, she had taken her weapons out from hiding and sharpened them. She had kept an eye on the palace from her home, but she saw nothing.

Even as the sun set, nothing happened. Not until Shuri and her mother had come knocking on the door, both tear-stained and shaking. Malka had let them in quickly and made them both tea.

Shuri told her about T'Challa, about the ritual combat that ended the king's rule. She said they were no longer safe in Wakanda.

Malka had simply draped a blanket around them both and knelt down in front of them, bowing her head and praying. She hasn't prayed in years, not truly. But when it appears all hope is lost, what is the downside in hoping something may change?

"First Baba," Shuri says. "And now my brother. Mama, we didn't even get to bury him." Malka blinks her own tears away as she watches Shuri cry. There is nothing to be done, nothing Malka can do to help. All that's left is to watch the aftermath as Ramonda hugs her daughter close.

She feels the air shift outside of her cabin. Quickly, she takes her gun from the table and aims it as a woman barges in, cloth covering her head. Nakia, Malka thinks—the girl T'Challa loved.

"Nakia," Malka says before her gaze shifts behind her to the man following her in. "You." If they did not need silence, she would shoot him.

The former queen stands with her knife out. "Who is this man?"

"He's a friend of T'Challa's. He saved my life," Nakia says calmly as she holds her hands out.

"I'm not convinced," Malka sneers. "Last time we met, he ordered his men to torture me, so excuse me if I'm not so easily put at ease."

Everett Ross stares at her with horror in his eyes. "Laska," he breathes out. "You're here? Why are you here?"

"Why should I answer you? It's none of your concern."

Ramonda shakes her head. "Where is Okoye?"

"Okoye is not coming," Nakia says. "She and the Dora Milaje will serve the new king."

Malka clenches her jaw. "It's always a battle. To serve a person or a throne. I always chose the person. Governments change, and maybe people do too, but I find that loyalty is often rewarded. Do not be disappointed, majesty. Okoye is doing what she believes is best."

"We have to move," Nakia says. "We cannot stay here."

"I'm not leaving him."

"They will find you."

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